Well the summer is off to a great start! I had the opportunity to go to Arizona with my mom to see my grandfather, Gops. It was a lovely visit and I fell even MORE in love with Arizona! As soon as I got back home, I told Andy, "we need to start saving now; we're retiring to Arizona!". It was such a different experience and felt like a true vacation. We slept in, swam, and just took it easy. Plus, it was nice to see Gops, as I hadn't seen him since May of 2005. I'm really anxious to take Andy out to Arizona, to show him the sights and have him meet Gops. Hopefully that's in our near future.
The view from Gops' house!
Last weekend, my "bestest" friend Stephanie got married. It was a beautiful ceremony and really really fun reception. They just returned from their honeymoon to Playa del Carmen and Steph said it was absolutely gorgeous. We're already planning a joint trip back in five years!
This picture cracks me up!
Summer work is going well for me, as the pace is much more manageable and I get to really focus on projects I enjoy. Andy's work is going well too; he's been umpiring a lot of softball and baseball games and just finished his second interview for an assitant manager position at a restaurant. He'll know more about that job opportunity next week. We're praying that something comes through!
I'll try to post pictures of our trips so far this summer, with more to come after our weekend in Minneapolis.