Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Week 3:

Monday - Walk (1 min.)/Run (5 min.). Continue for 25-35 minutes. Check.

Glad to be in week 3. Felt good today. I could have been so happy whilst running because I was falling very hard in love with the brand new treadmill our wellness center has added. It. Was. Amazing. Charges my iPod, allows me to download my workout information to a USB drive, gives me a track, natural trail, or mountain to visualize while I run...it's magic.

In semi-unrelated news, Pillsbury Ready to Eat Chocolate Fudge Brownie Bites are my new arch nemesis.

CF is coming to an end

Well, I'm in my last week in CF. This past weekend was actually a really great turning point for me. I had been slow to get excited about the move, but after spending the weekend with Andy in CR, I'm finally ready to leave. I'm finishing up one more week of work, and will then head down to CR early next week. I've landed one (very) part-time job at a store in the mall right up the road from Andy's work, so that's at least something. I'm in the interview process for another part time position and have looked into the possibility of substitute teaching. Despite how difficult it is for me to do, I'm relying on God to provide us with something and am confident that He has a job for me in the works.

I'm really looking forward to head back home for a week very soon! I'm dying for a vacation and can use the rest and relaxation (though Andy won't be going with me, so it won't be a perfect trip...). My sister just bought her first home and I'm going to see the her new place. I'll also get to see both of my parents, so it should be a fun time! I'm also very excited to see a great friend whom I haven't seen in over 3 years (how does that happen?!), so the trip cannot come soon enough :-).

Here's to one final week in this chapter and then onto the next chapter.

10K Progress

Well, I kinda fell off the wagon last week, but am back on this week.

End of week 2:
Thursday: Walk (1 min.)/Run (10 min.) - continue for 15-20 minutes. Missed this work-out
Friday: Rest. Check.
Saturday: Cross-train - Check. I did a cardio DVD...couldn't move for 2.5 days.
Sunday: Long run. Missed this work-out

I'm going to attempt Week 3, instead of going back to complete week 2 again. Might be hard, but I'll push through.

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Amazing grace
How sweet the sound
That saved a wretch like me
I once was lost, but now I'm found
Was blind, but now I see
'Twas grace that taught my heart to fear
And grace my fears relieved
How precious did that grace appear
The hour I first believed
My chains are gone
I've been set free
My God, my Savior has ransomed me
And like a flood His mercy rains
Unending love, Amazing grace

The Lord has promised good to me
His word my hope secures
He will my shield and portion be
As long as life endures

The earth shall soon dissolve like snow
The sun forbear to shine
But God, Who called me here below
Will be forever mine
Will be forever mine
You are forever mine

Week 2 Progress

Monday - REST - uh, check!
Tuesday - walk (2 min.)/run (2 min.) Continue for 15-20 min. Check. This, I REALLY didn't want to do. I don't know why my tendency is to resist, but it is. However, I made myself go out and do Tuesday's workout. Throughout the process, I kept feeling genuinely surprised with myself. It was nice to get it finished.
Wednesday - REST or cross-train - Check. I made this a rest day because it was too impossible to do something outside, (with the heat index, it was over 100 degrees) and I was tired and think I'm fighting off a cold. Not the best excuse, but it's what happened.

Thursday Walk (1 min.)/run (10 min.) Continue for 15-20 min. - I woke up not wanting to do this. I have to go to CR this afternoon for some job interviews, which means I won't get back into town until later in the evening. It will take a lot of motivation to get me out there. But, I've surprised myself before; I can do it again!

Monday, July 12, 2010

Week 1 - CHECK
Monday - REST - check
Tuesday - walk (2 minutes)/run (2 minutes). Continue for 15-20 minutes - check
Wednesday - REST or cross-train - check
Thursday - Walk (1 minute)/run (10 minutes). Continue for 15-20 minutes - check
Friday - REST - check
Saturday - Cross-train - check
Sunday - Long run. Walk (2 minutes)/run (5 minutes). Continue for 30-40 minutes - check

It feels great to have week 1 accomplished! I don't know if I've ever made it this far in a training program ;-). I was looking forward to the long run on Sunday. Once I was in it, I wanted to quit a few times (min. 16, 23, 28) but stuck it out for the full 40 minutes.

Week 2 is exactly the same as week one:
Monday - REST - uh, check!
Tuesday - walk (2 min.)/run (2 min.) Continue for 15-20 min.
Wednesday - REST or cross-train
Thursday Walk (1 min.)/run (10 min.) Continue for 15-20 min.
Friday - REST
Saturday - Cross-train
Sunday - Long run. Walk (2 min)/run (5 min). Continue for 30-40 min

Here's to week 2!

Lord, give me the strength to continue on; give me endurance, patience, acceptance of my abilities, and the willingness to challenge myself. Let everything I do be a reflection of your glory. Amen.

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Spring 2010

For some pictures of Spring/Beginning of Summer 2010, check out the link below!

10k progress

Week 1, Friday - Rest day. Beautiful. Check
Week 1, Saturday - Cross train. Check. I took it easy and just went for a long walk with Spike this evening. I'm excited about tomorrow; it's the first "long run" of the program, and I'm looking forward to it!

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Week 1, Thursday - Walk (1 minute)/run (10 minutes) - continue for 15-20 minutes. Check.
Today was really difficult. It was a big jump to go from 2 minutes continuous running to 10 minutes running. However, I got it done. In minute 15, I did take a 10 second walk, but made it up at the end ;-). Also, despite still being in the first week, I am REALLY proud of myself! I have to admit...usually it's around this time that I give up. But, I'm stickin' it out. Thank goodness tomorrow is a rest day :-).

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Day 3 of training

Week 1, Wednesday - cross training. Check. Went just fine; did the elliptical machine at the gym. Anxious for tomorrow's run.

Tuesday, July 6, 2010


Spike and I are training for my first 10k. Spike won't be joining me on race day, but he gets to come along for the companionship. My friend, Lisa and I recently signed up for our first (I think it's her first too) 10k, which will happen in early September. To be honest, I've been dreading it; and, worse yet, I've been avoiding the training part. The last time I ran a race was two years ago, and it was just a 5k. The last time I trained for a race was about six years ago...I can never find the discipline. Then, I haphazardly came across a training program in Fitness Magazine. It's the first downloadable link that pops up. Yes, it's a beginner's plan, but, I guess it's time to consider myself a beginner...again. And yes, it's a walk/run program, but you know what - I've resigned myself to the idea that finishing a 10k will be very rewarding...even if I have to walk a few minutes. So, in order to keep myself a bit more accountable, I'm going to blog about the training program, as I go through it.

Week 1
Monday - REST - check (how convenient that I came across this training program on a Monday evening ;-) )
Tuesday - walk (2 minutes)/run (2 minutes). Continue for 15-20 minutes - check
Wednesday - REST or cross-train
Thursday - Walk (1 minute)/run (10 minutes). Continue for 15-20 minutes
Friday - REST
Saturday - Cross-train
Sunday - Long run. Walk (2 minutes)/run (5 minutes). Continue for 30-40 minutes

Since I still have a gym membership on campus, I'm going to use that to my advantage over the next few weeks, while I'm still here. I'll cross-train over there, either swimming or cycling. Once I move to CR full time, I'll cross-train with some aerobics...in my living room...watch out, neighbors!