Sunday, December 5, 2010

We're moving to Indiana!

Well, the Crowes are preparing to move yet again! But hopefully this time it will be more permanent! I've taken a job with Indiana State University as an academic advisor with the exploratory studies program. I'll be working in the Student Academic Services Center.

Andy is currently working on a transfer to the Terre Haute Sofa Mart and we're praying that works out! What a joy and testament it would be to both be able to move to Terre Haute with jobs lined up.

Our biggest burden at the moment is finding someone to lease our Cedar Rapids apartment. If you happen to know of anyone in the area, please pass their name along to me! Or have them email me at You can also guide them to our June 23rd post, which has pictures of the apartment!

In the meantime, we're busy! The semester ends in 12 days and we move in less than 20 days!