So, we've been taking the Dave Ramsey Financial Peace University class now for about 4 weeks and we just love it. Not only is DR hilarious, but the class is giving us hope in what was formerly a hopeLESS situation, regarding money. Last week, we did our first budget, and we didn't even yell at each other (DR says it takes around 90 days to get a budget going that works smoothly...he also warns that budgets stir up emotions, so you and your partner have to be on the same page). Since it's still the first of October, we haven't had too much time to damage the first budget, but it has given us something to consider every time we make plans. Last night, we even turned down plans because we didn't want to spend all or even half our entertainment money for the month on October 2. That, my friends, is a sure sign of our financial revolution! Now we just have to continue sticking to the plan, commit to some discipline, and, God willing, we'll be debt free sooner than we could have ever imagined! The toughest lesson by far is going to be learning to live within our means; we aren't extravagant spenders, but we haven't been disciplined spenders, either.
In the spirit of saving money, here are two things I just absolutely L-O-V-E (at the moment, anyway).
1. Aldi - if you have an Aldi in your town, shop there. This week, I saved 30% of my grocery budget. And having cash left over after leaving the store, now THAT's a good feeling! And, though I haven't actually done the math, the savings will be more than 30%...since I got outta there with MORE than a week's worth of food, yet we have a grocery budget for every week. Yippy!
2. Homemade laundry detergent. I found a recipe on
The Duggar's Website and just made my second batch this morning. After realizing that the first batch I made should have yielded 10 gallons (I thought it was only supposed to yield 5 gallons...whoops), I'm excited to report that this time, I'll do approximately 100 loads of laundry for about $1.33. Yes, total. The five gallon bucket of detergent did just about 50 loads of laundry and the cost was around $2.66. And, it takes less than 15 minutes to make the detergent. Talk about another huge way to save money!