Sunday, September 13, 2009

5K Madness

Andy and I did a 5K along with many of our friends this Saturday! It's the second year I've completed the race and the first year for Andy! We both walked it and had a fabulous time. I had planned to run the race but came down with two ear infections on Thursday evening. For fear of tumbling over or just passing out, I opted out of the running option. That left me with a great chance to complete the race with another rookie 5Ker, my great friend Amanda. It was a lovely way to start the weekend.

Andy's doing well at the Cedar Falls Arby's, although that store presents some issues that doesn't always make for a great work environment. Luckily for Andy, he's doing really great and is enjoying the work (for the most part...).

We're heading home later this week for Andy's best friend's wedding. We're both excited to see family, especially since I haven't been to Andy's hometown since last Christmas! I also get to spend time with my mom, stepdad, and sister, so I'm REALLY looking forward to the trip.

I'm beginning a women's Bible study this week over the book Idols of the Heart. I'm really looking forward to that twelve week study and the chance to connect with women of Cedar Heights Baptist Church! Andy and I continue to get involved with our church and we're delighted to see God growing us in such great ways! We also recently joined the Hospitality Ministry and are still teaching 7th and 8th grade Sunday School. We're also getting ready to start another year of Acts 2:42 home groups, where we meet twice a month with other members in homes to pray for and encourage one another. When I look back at all we're doing, it's truly amazing to me; I wouldn't have guessed in a million years that we would ever be so involved in a church. But, it's really helping us to not only grow in our faith but form friendships outside of work, which is nice and refreshing, given the tendency residence life has to isolate folks.

Overall, life is good.

But let all who take refuge in you be glad; let them ever sing for joy. Spread your protection over them, that those who love your name may rejoice in you. Psalm 5:11

1 comment:

Lizzy said...

I am so proud of both of you for completing the 5K, especially with how you were feeling! I hope that you're feeling better this week! Have a safe drive home this weekend, we'll need to catch up when you get home, I want to hear about your trip! Praying for you both and so happy to hear how God is blessing you!