Thursday, April 15, 2010

It's a Dog Eats Cone World, People

I know that Spike loves living on campus. Sure, he loves the attention he gets from residents walking by our apartment as we're heading outside. He loves the big yard right outside our apartment. He loves his walks on campus. But, I'm starting to think that, the thing Spike loves the MOST cream cones. I cannot tell you how many ice cream cones that dog has consumed in the last 3 years. This week alone I think he's had at least three. Because our dining center is so fantastic, a large selection of ice cream flavors exist, and can easily be carried out of the center on top of an ice cream cone. However, what I've discovered is, the student changes his mind quickly; first he wanted the cone, now, he's done with it. He's so done with it, in fact, that he can't walk it to a trash can. Instead, he tosses it in the yard, to be consumed by Spike at his earliest convenience (e.g. when mom or dad takes him outside).

Dear Lord, thank you for the little things in life. Amen.

1 comment:

Lizzy said...

I am fairly certain I am with Spike on this one. Perhaps, he has discovered my perfect world! One where ice cream cones fall from above and land deliciously in my path. Yep, he's definitely on to something here...