Wednesday, December 14, 2011


If every title of the blog has to be "Update" clearly I'm not using the blog very often. But, life continues, nonetheless.

November was a glorious month, as it always is. We celebrated our birthdays and had a lovely time stuffing ourselves to the gills during multiple Thanksgiving celebrations. Andy got to experience Spring Mill State Park's Thanksgiving dinner, which was beautiful and delicious, and we got to eat lots of my mom's yummy fried chicken while at my sister's house that weekend, too.

December is going very quickly - how can it be nearly Christmas already?! We're excited to see family in Kentucky and spend more time with our amazing godson, Colton. When I get pictures uploaded to the computer, I'll be sure to have a special blog just about our first time with C.

Lot's of stuff is on the horizon for the Crowes. As plans come together, we'll be sure to share.

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