So we were licensed the first part of August and about a week later received our first placement! THREE little ones (now referred to as LOs), under the age of 5! Talk about an immediate change in the Crowe's Nest. Though I'm not able to share specifics, here's a bit of our story for the last few weeks...
We were called in the middle of the night and the LOs arrived about 30 minutes later. Well, 2/3 of them arrived. The other LO didn't come until the next morning. I took the day off work but Andy didn't miss a beat and managed to make it to not one, but BOTH of his jobs! He's currently working part-time at Sony, doing security from 4-7 a.m. and then comes home, changes, and heads to his day job. Talk about a hard-working guy!
I took the day off to manage the children and Andy headed to work to work (duh) and arrange childcare. DCS assisted us with that, providing names of possible foster families willing to be our daycare and by the end of the day, we had something arranged (thank you LORD!) That day, it really only took me around 45 minutes to gain a whole new respect for stay at home mommies. WOW! I really had no idea :-) Kudos to all of you!!
That evening was rough, as the baby didn't want to sleep and I hadn't slept since about 1 a.m. the night before. Luckily the two other LOs went right to sleep and slept through the night (thank you LORD!) The next morning it was off to daycare and work and that's how it's been since.
Andy and I are having a wonderful time and the LOs are such a joy! A lot of work, but it's so worth it. It's been amazing getting to know the LOs and building relationships with them. Even on the rough days, I go to bed with such a full heart. It's really indescribable.
Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of lights with whom there is no variation or shadow due to change. James 1:17
The process has been a real learning experience. Despite hours of training and talking with DCS folks, there's still so much we don't know. I'm still getting used to not knowing and just continuing on, first and foremost loving the children and providing a safe, secure, love-filled home for them. I'm definitely a person that needs everything laid out in front of me so I can understand and see the direction we're headed but God is teaching me so much about trusting Him above EVERYTHING else (like policies, procedures, information, plans, etc.) Every day is such a humbling experience. To say He's stretching me is an understatement :-)
"Humble yourselves before the Lord, and he will lift you up." (James 4:10)
We have been so blessed to have so many people willing to help us out - bringing us clothes and items for the children, agreeing to help with childcare, bringing us meals, providing much needed advice about what the heck to do with three children, etc. The love has been so overwhelming but so, so appreciated. Thank you so much!!!!
Also, for friends and family far away, thank you for your calls, texts, encouragement, and love. I'm sorry it's taken me a while to get back and I'm really sorry if I haven't yet responded. In just a few weeks, it's been amazing to be reminded that so many people care so much for us and care for the LOs in our nest at the moment. God has provided so many beautiful people to live life with and we couldn't be more blessed. Thank you, LORD! (are you seeing a theme ;-) )
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