Sunday, April 10, 2011

Trips, Tulips, and Heat Waves

Oh, Indiana weather, how I love thee. This week alone the weather has gone from beautiful spring to rainy fall/winter and now we're currently experiencing the muggy 80 degree weather of early summer. It's no wonder I suffer frequently from sinus headaches. I also realized last night as I was telling Andy about the weather forecast for today that I am indeed my father's daughter. After moving off campus and receiving glorious heating and cooling bills in the mail, I informed Andy last night that yes, it's going to be 80 degrees on Sunday and yes, I REFUSE to turn the air conditioning on in April. My poor husband. We'll see how badly the weather deteriorates our marriage foundation and then we'll re-evaluate... We must share the hellacious trip that was Andy going to San Antonio for work last week. Last Monday he left TH at 3:30 a.m. to catch a flight out of Indianapolis at 6:25 a.m. When he got there, he was informed that his flight was canceled due to mechanical troubles. Now, while I'm sure Andy was thrilled that the airline had taken necessary precautions to not fly him around on a broken plane, that's sure not a great way to start out a trip. Sidenote - Andy and I are HORRIBLE fliers. We. Hate. It. I love airports and love traveling, but if I could just be instantly transported from location to location in a "beam me up, Scottie" sorta way, that would save several days of worrying/sleepless nights/needing to call family and make final goodbyes every time I'm going on a trip... After chatting with several folks Andy was able to get on another flight that morning and made it to San Antonio, eventually. When he landed he did mention that it was the worst flight of his life, but at least he was back on the ground. He had a good time in training but by Friday was ready to be back home. And I was ready for him to be back home. And Spike understood that if Andy didn't come home soon, his beautiful dog life might be in danger. Andy was scheduled to fly out at 5 p.m. on Friday. He finally got to leave around 8:30 p.m., of course causing him to miss his connection in Chicago with no hope of getting another flight to Indy until the next afternoon or even Sunday morning. Instead, he (or his company or the two of them in collaboration) decided he would rent a car and drive to Indy, get his vehicle from the airport and make the trip back to he could be in town to go to work the next day. He finally walked in the door at 6:30 a.m. on Saturday and went to work at 10 a.m after being awake for nearly 27 hours straight. To top that off, he will then put in 12 straight days because his new assistant manager has the week off to make his move to TH. Andy is, to say the least, a VERY hard worker. Thank you, God, for providing our family with such a wonderful man... In other news, the tulips are blooming all around town and it is absolutely gorgeous. I have a soft spot in my heart for tulips and I can't seem to pass one without smiling a bit. I can't wait to have a home where I can line our walkway with beautiful tulips! And speaking of plants, next Saturday is the opening day at the TH Community Garden! I was able to secure a plot there this year and canNOT way to get started planting! It will be my first garden (my parents have been avid gardeners for a long time now...I remember what seemed to be a HUGE garden every summer when I was growing up) and I cannot wait to start cooking with things that I actually grew! I'm hoping my mom can come up to help me. She has already drawn me a map of where things should go and I've bought a few plants already (brussel sprouts, lettuce, arugula, and spinach). I'll be sure to take pictures throughout the whole planting/growing/harvesting/cooking process. Hopefully the pictures will progress from empty plot to bountiful garden but like I said's my first garden. There's no proof that the green thumb was passed down. If I have months of pictures that look exactly the same because everything is dying I won't post...hehe.

1 comment:

Emily said...

That sounds like the worst trip ever! Jay is away for work this week and it stinks. The community garden idea is so interesting! I should look into the ones in Bloomington since we don't have room to plant things yet either!