Monday, May 23, 2011

Jillian Michael's book

I just finished Jillian Michael's Master Your Metabolism: The 3 Diet Secrets to Naturally Balancing Your Hormons for a Hot and Healthy Body! and really enjoyed it. No, it doesn't give any new secrets for getting a "hot body". I've been reading diet and nutrition books for years now, so the basic - eat good food and exercise theme didn't blow my mind. What I did find very interesting, however, is the information on endocrine distruptors and all of the crazy stuff inside the things we live in and around, eat, drink, breathe, etc. In some ways the information was overwhelming and terrifying but in others, it was really interesting and informatives. For those interested in learning ways in which to live cleaner, greener, healthier, longer lives, check out the book!

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