Saturday, November 21, 2009
Pictures from fall 2009
Thanksgiving Break is here!
It's the Saturday that begins Thanksgiving Break and I cannot be happier! The weather is beautiful outside, Andy and I are spending the day together, and all I have is time for the next several days. Having a job that keeps me so busy day and night really makes me cherish our vacations. It's always a chance to relax, unwind, and re-energize. The other beautiful thing about Thanksgiving break is it's a preview to Winter Break, which is always even more extraordinary.
Andy continues to keep busy with school and work. The people he works with really like him, so he's blessed in that way. I've had a rough couple of weeks but things are looking up and I know that I can hang on until Christmas! Spike is doing well too. :-).
We got some amazing news this week regarding Andy's schooling. After working with his amazing academic advisor, he's switching to a BLS degree (bachelor of liberal studies) which is like general studies but you have areas of focus instead of colleges of focus. Anyhow, he found out on Friday that he only needs 6 more credit hours to graduate!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! He'll only need to take two classes next semester and it is goodbye (and thank you) undergrad degree! I couldn't be more proud and happy for him. He's worked very hard for a long time and deserves for his final semester to be simple and rewarding.
We're planning to host my mom and stepdad for the Thanksgiving holiday. I currently have a 15 lbs (free range/no antibiotics/hormones) turkey awaiting his debut on Thursday. I can't wait to have some family up for a visit.
Fall has been an exciting season! I'll add pictures soon to share all of the cool stuff that's been going on.
I have been crucified with Christ; it is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me; and the life which I know live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave Himself for me. Galatians 2:20
Andy continues to keep busy with school and work. The people he works with really like him, so he's blessed in that way. I've had a rough couple of weeks but things are looking up and I know that I can hang on until Christmas! Spike is doing well too. :-).
We got some amazing news this week regarding Andy's schooling. After working with his amazing academic advisor, he's switching to a BLS degree (bachelor of liberal studies) which is like general studies but you have areas of focus instead of colleges of focus. Anyhow, he found out on Friday that he only needs 6 more credit hours to graduate!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! He'll only need to take two classes next semester and it is goodbye (and thank you) undergrad degree! I couldn't be more proud and happy for him. He's worked very hard for a long time and deserves for his final semester to be simple and rewarding.
We're planning to host my mom and stepdad for the Thanksgiving holiday. I currently have a 15 lbs (free range/no antibiotics/hormones) turkey awaiting his debut on Thursday. I can't wait to have some family up for a visit.
Fall has been an exciting season! I'll add pictures soon to share all of the cool stuff that's been going on.
I have been crucified with Christ; it is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me; and the life which I know live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave Himself for me. Galatians 2:20
Sunday, October 25, 2009
Slowing Down
Over the last couple of weeks God has really opened my eyes to my desperate need to s-l-o-w d-o-w-n. I've always been someone who is looking for the next step. I make plans constantly and am always daydreaming about what life will be like in a couple of weeks, months, years. But lately, God has given me these amazing opportunities, in the most random of situations (driving home from church; outside with the dog; etc.) to realize how happy Andy and I are here in Cedar Falls. After two and a half years of homesickness and longing to get back home, it's actually feeling a lot like home here in Iowa. I couldn't be more thankful and am blessed that God would grant me this peace. It feels nice to be content.
"Godliness with contentment is great gain." 1 Timothy 6:6
Sunday, October 11, 2009
First Go at Organic
In an effort to be healthier and after some research on going organic on a budget, Andy and I (okay, I have...Andy's just along for the ride) have decided to try to begin introducing some organic stuff into our lives (thanks, Liz, for the inspiration!). We don't have the income to go 100% organic but we're making a conscious effort to put better things into our bodies.
In my research on going organic, this document from the Environmental Working Group has helped us to create our priorities regarding which foods to definitely get organic and which foods not to worry much about. I also appreciated this blog post because it gave a list of the top things to buy organic. Armed with my information, I headed to the Farmer's Market yesterday morning to check out the produce and talk with the family that sells organic meat and eggs a few Saturdays a month there. (Before I go on, I should clarify the word "organic". I'm less concerned with making sure that things are USDA certified organic and more concerned that the products are simply grown or produced without the use of pesticides, herbicides, and hormones.) Unfortunately, that family was all out of ground beef for the season, and eggs that day, but did direct me to Hansen's Outlet, which is just a few blocks from our apartment and sells all kinds of great food! There I got ground beef, eggs, and cheese. The man working was so thoughtful and helpful and really took the time to explain a lot of stuff to me. Hansen's is famous around here for their milk, and the man working said that they go through as many as 300 gallons a day! After going to Hansen's I made my way to HyVee, our local grocery store to check out their organic section (it's nice that organic is becoming so much more makes finding quality food less impossible) and found milk (the most delicious milk I've ever had) and some yummy produce for reasonable prices. Once I got home, I showed Andy all my delicious finds and he thought I had gone crazy. I turned many of my ingredients into a delicious beef, cheddar, and potato pie that I found in the latest issue of Every Day with Rachael Ray . It was so fun to make and I was really excited that the majority of the ingredients were organic. In Andy's words....we've created a monster!
You will be made rich in every way so that you can be generous on every occasion, and through us your generosity will result in thanksgiving to God. 2 Corinthians 9:11
In my research on going organic, this document from the Environmental Working Group has helped us to create our priorities regarding which foods to definitely get organic and which foods not to worry much about. I also appreciated this blog post because it gave a list of the top things to buy organic. Armed with my information, I headed to the Farmer's Market yesterday morning to check out the produce and talk with the family that sells organic meat and eggs a few Saturdays a month there. (Before I go on, I should clarify the word "organic". I'm less concerned with making sure that things are USDA certified organic and more concerned that the products are simply grown or produced without the use of pesticides, herbicides, and hormones.) Unfortunately, that family was all out of ground beef for the season, and eggs that day, but did direct me to Hansen's Outlet, which is just a few blocks from our apartment and sells all kinds of great food! There I got ground beef, eggs, and cheese. The man working was so thoughtful and helpful and really took the time to explain a lot of stuff to me. Hansen's is famous around here for their milk, and the man working said that they go through as many as 300 gallons a day! After going to Hansen's I made my way to HyVee, our local grocery store to check out their organic section (it's nice that organic is becoming so much more makes finding quality food less impossible) and found milk (the most delicious milk I've ever had) and some yummy produce for reasonable prices. Once I got home, I showed Andy all my delicious finds and he thought I had gone crazy. I turned many of my ingredients into a delicious beef, cheddar, and potato pie that I found in the latest issue of Every Day with Rachael Ray . It was so fun to make and I was really excited that the majority of the ingredients were organic. In Andy's words....we've created a monster!
You will be made rich in every way so that you can be generous on every occasion, and through us your generosity will result in thanksgiving to God. 2 Corinthians 9:11
St. Louis Weekend!
Thursday, October 1, 2009
Hilarious video...
Hilarious and Ridiculous Video!
When you have time, get ready for a laugh and follow the link above!! One of my colleagues made this and sent it to all of my co-workers!
When you have time, get ready for a laugh and follow the link above!! One of my colleagues made this and sent it to all of my co-workers!
Sunday, September 27, 2009
Bring on the fall weather!

Last week Andy and I and headed down to Kentucky for Andy's friend's wedding. I headed over to Frankfort on Thursday and stayed until Saturday morning. I had a chance to spend time with Aubrei, Mom, and Trent and it was so fantastic! I miss everyone so much :-(.
Next week, Andy and I are going to St. Louis to see our friends Lacy and Jason, and their daughter Madelyn. We haven't seen them since last Christmas, so it will be so good to see them again! And, we get to go to a baseball game, so of course Andy is very excited (and I am too!)!
I'm currently reading a few really good books. At this actual moment, I'm listening to the audiobook Blink by Malcolm Gladwell. I'm also reading his new book Outliers as a part of professional development for work. Both books are really interesting and are refreshing in the ways they're making me think! I'm also really enjoying our women's ministry Bible study book Idols of the Heart: Learning to Long for God Alone, as it's seriously challenging me to reveal the idols I have in my own life. After making a list in my journal this evening, I realize that I have MANY! Luckily, God is working on my heart to give me strength to remove these idols from my life. The work is going to be slow, but it's going to be oh so good!
God also continues to work on my heart in terms of allowing me to place my burdens on him and know that he will provide for all of our needs. While I have a tendency to worry about everything imaginable, I've been blessed lately in such ways that I'm truly amazed. While Andy and I may be dealing with a heavier burden than we'd like, in the last few days I've been feeling more at peace than I have in months. I was even able to praise God tonight for EVERYTHING that has happened, as I know that it's all part of his divine plan. It was a huge moment for me, as I realized more than I ever have before that God is so powerful. Praise Him!
I also praise God for simply being able to write this blog, as I know that some of my friends and family who read it don't understand how much I've changed over the last few years, with the last year being the most significant. Sometimes it's difficult for me to actually write so openly about praising God and including Scripture on my posts, because I'm terrified of what some of my closest friends will think. But, I keep going, because I feel compelled by God to do so. I desperately want everything I say and everything I do go to the glory of God. It's not always an easy road, but it feels good to be traveling down this path.
But he said to me, "My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness." Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ's power may rest on me. 2 Corinthians 12:9
Sunday, September 13, 2009
5K Madness
Andy's doing well at the Cedar Falls Arby's, although that store presents some issues that doesn't always make for a great work environment. Luckily for Andy, he's doing really great and is enjoying the work (for the most part...).
We're heading home later this week for Andy's best friend's wedding. We're both excited to see family, especially since I haven't been to Andy's hometown since last Christmas! I also get to spend time with my mom, stepdad, and sister, so I'm REALLY looking forward to the trip.
I'm beginning a women's Bible study this week over the book Idols of the Heart. I'm really looking forward to that twelve week study and the chance to connect with women of Cedar Heights Baptist Church! Andy and I continue to get involved with our church and we're delighted to see God growing us in such great ways! We also recently joined the Hospitality Ministry and are still teaching 7th and 8th grade Sunday School. We're also getting ready to start another year of Acts 2:42 home groups, where we meet twice a month with other members in homes to pray for and encourage one another. When I look back at all we're doing, it's truly amazing to me; I wouldn't have guessed in a million years that we would ever be so involved in a church. But, it's really helping us to not only grow in our faith but form friendships outside of work, which is nice and refreshing, given the tendency residence life has to isolate folks.
Overall, life is good.
But let all who take refuge in you be glad; let them ever sing for joy. Spread your protection over them, that those who love your name may rejoice in you. Psalm 5:11
Saturday, August 22, 2009
Time...where does it go?!
I can't believe it's been since July that I've posted! Nothing too exciting has happened, but it's a little freaky to think that more than a month has passed without me even noticing! Okay...I've noticed, but wow.
RLC and RA training went well and this weekend is opening weekend! We have nearly all of our students in already and classes begin Monday. It's nice to have the building buzzing again! This has definitely been the best year as far as my attitude and excitement and I'm really looking forward to a great year!
Andy's doing wonderfully as well. He's getting ready to complete the last week of training in Evansdale and then moves to "his" store in Cedar Falls in two weeks. Monday he begins classes for what will be his LAST YEAR! I couldn't be more excited for him! It's been a really long road and I'm so proud of him for sticking with it. I'm going to be overwhelmed when he walks across the stage in May :-).
As I look back at the preparations I made for opening and the joy I experienced as I went through training (yes, you heard right; I said "joy" and training in the same sentence) I have to attribute it to God's amazing grace. Throughout the last several weeks I've prayed for strength, wisdom, comfort, patience, and confidence. And God granted me every single thing I requested. I just couldn't help but take a minute to praise Him for allowing me such blessings!
And this is the confidence that we have in Him, that, if we ask any thing according to His will, He hears us: and if we know that He hears us, whatsoever we ask, we know that we have the petitions that we desired of Him. 1 John 5:14 & 15
RLC and RA training went well and this weekend is opening weekend! We have nearly all of our students in already and classes begin Monday. It's nice to have the building buzzing again! This has definitely been the best year as far as my attitude and excitement and I'm really looking forward to a great year!
Andy's doing wonderfully as well. He's getting ready to complete the last week of training in Evansdale and then moves to "his" store in Cedar Falls in two weeks. Monday he begins classes for what will be his LAST YEAR! I couldn't be more excited for him! It's been a really long road and I'm so proud of him for sticking with it. I'm going to be overwhelmed when he walks across the stage in May :-).
As I look back at the preparations I made for opening and the joy I experienced as I went through training (yes, you heard right; I said "joy" and training in the same sentence) I have to attribute it to God's amazing grace. Throughout the last several weeks I've prayed for strength, wisdom, comfort, patience, and confidence. And God granted me every single thing I requested. I just couldn't help but take a minute to praise Him for allowing me such blessings!
And this is the confidence that we have in Him, that, if we ask any thing according to His will, He hears us: and if we know that He hears us, whatsoever we ask, we know that we have the petitions that we desired of Him. 1 John 5:14 & 15
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Cake Decorating!
Saturday, July 11, 2009
Storm Damage July 2009
A crazy storm rolled in on 7.10.09 at about 4AM. I had seen lightening around 3AM and at 3:50AM hail hitting the ground to ceiling windows in our apartment woke both Andy and me up. Lots of people are speculating that it may have been a tornado, but nothing has been said for sure. Thankfully, it looks as though most of the damage was trees, with some property damage. I haven't heard anything about people getting hurt. The winds were so strong that they blew over a semi (the driver was sleeping at the time) and moved 9,000 lb helicopters at the airport. For more pictures, click the link "Storm Damage July 2009".
We're really thankful to be safe and inspired yet again by how much the community has come together. CF is really a great place to live!
In love,
Ashleigh and Andy
The Lord will keep you from all harm -- He will watch over your life; the Lord will watch over your coming and going both now and forever more. - Psalm 121
Sunday, July 5, 2009
A great weekend!
Last weekend Andy and I had the opportunity to go to Bloomington, MN to celebrate our first anniversary! We had a great time at the Mall of America and really enjoyed getting away for a few days. It's amazing how much of an attitude shift a short vacation can produce! For a look at our entire album of the weekend, check out the link below (just scroll over "1st Anniversary Celebration! below)!
This week Vacation Bible School begins at Cedar Heights Baptist Church. Andy took on the responsibility of Director, so he's been working very hard for months to put everything together. Luckily, we're working with two great women, Becky and Lynn from Follow Hard Ministries. These women are so energetic, enthusiastic, and inspiring! I'm so glad to have them facilitating VBS at CHBC again this year! The first night was a success and we're both really looking forward to the rest of the week.
We received yet another blessing from God the Friday we left for MN; Andy got a job! He starts his training Tuesday to be the new assistant manager for the Arby's in Cedar Falls. We are so thankful for this blessing and are praising the Lord for it! Andy's excited to get working (as he finishes up his last year in college!!!!) and is confident Arby's will be a good fit. Plus, who doesn't love roast beef sandwiches?! haha.
The last few weeks have been really great and we want to make sure to praise our God for all of the blessings he's bringing our way.
Oh give thanks to the Lord; call upon his name; make known his deeds among the peoples! Sing to him, sing praises to him; tell of all his wondrous works! -- Psalm 105: 1-2
Thursday, June 18, 2009
Well the summer is off to a great start! I had the opportunity to go to Arizona with my mom to see my grandfather, Gops. It was a lovely visit and I fell even MORE in love with Arizona! As soon as I got back home, I told Andy, "we need to start saving now; we're retiring to Arizona!". It was such a different experience and felt like a true vacation. We slept in, swam, and just took it easy. Plus, it was nice to see Gops, as I hadn't seen him since May of 2005. I'm really anxious to take Andy out to Arizona, to show him the sights and have him meet Gops. Hopefully that's in our near future.
The view from Gops' house!
Last weekend, my "bestest" friend Stephanie got married. It was a beautiful ceremony and really really fun reception. They just returned from their honeymoon to Playa del Carmen and Steph said it was absolutely gorgeous. We're already planning a joint trip back in five years!
This picture cracks me up!
Summer work is going well for me, as the pace is much more manageable and I get to really focus on projects I enjoy. Andy's work is going well too; he's been umpiring a lot of softball and baseball games and just finished his second interview for an assitant manager position at a restaurant. He'll know more about that job opportunity next week. We're praying that something comes through!
I'll try to post pictures of our trips so far this summer, with more to come after our weekend in Minneapolis.
Sunday, May 24, 2009
Thursday, May 7, 2009
Revive Me
It's the end of the semester. Tensions are high everywhere. Everyone is just done, done, done. I was given the opportunity to speak with an angry parent this morning. It managed to shoot my mood right down to the ground. Now, as I'm sitting at my desk, finish conduct paperwork (yes, conduct. One day before we close the building. Are the students out of their minds?) this song came on Pandora Radio (check it out, if you don't know what I'm talking about) and soothed my soul. I was instantly taken over by a calming patience. Praise God for small miracles.
Consider my affliction and please deliver me
Plead my cause and redeem me
Salvation is not for the wicked
For they don't seek your word
Great are your tender mercies Lord
Revive me, according to your loving kindness
Revive me, that I may seek your word
Revive me, according to your loving kindness
Revive me, oh Lord
You give me understanding
According to your word
Great peace for those who seek your face
I long for salvation
My lips shall praise your name
I rejoice in the treasure of your keep
Revive me, according to your loving kindness
Revive me, that I may seek your word
Revive me, according to your loving kindness
Revive me, oh Lord
For all my ways are before you
I let your hand become my help
My soul longs and adores you
Let my cry come before you oh Lord
Revive me, according to your loving kindness
Revive me, that I may seek your word
Revive me, according to your loving kindness
Revive me, oh Lord
Oh, Revive me
Revive me
-- "Revive Me", Jeremy Camp
Consider my affliction and please deliver me
Plead my cause and redeem me
Salvation is not for the wicked
For they don't seek your word
Great are your tender mercies Lord
Revive me, according to your loving kindness
Revive me, that I may seek your word
Revive me, according to your loving kindness
Revive me, oh Lord
You give me understanding
According to your word
Great peace for those who seek your face
I long for salvation
My lips shall praise your name
I rejoice in the treasure of your keep
Revive me, according to your loving kindness
Revive me, that I may seek your word
Revive me, according to your loving kindness
Revive me, oh Lord
For all my ways are before you
I let your hand become my help
My soul longs and adores you
Let my cry come before you oh Lord
Revive me, according to your loving kindness
Revive me, that I may seek your word
Revive me, according to your loving kindness
Revive me, oh Lord
Oh, Revive me
Revive me
-- "Revive Me", Jeremy Camp
Saturday, May 2, 2009
Our New (to us) Car!
Thursday, April 16, 2009
Easter 2009
I just uploaded these Easter pictures to Facebook. Just follow the link below!
Easter was great this year. It was the first year that Andy and I have spent in C.F., as we were driving back from Spring Break during Easter last year. We spent the morning at church, involved in a really great, warm, inspiring service. Once back from church, we had an Easter egg hunt in the apartment (as you can hopefully see from the pictures) and then finished the day with a lovely Easter feast. Two of my RAs who were around joined us and we had a great time, eating yummy food and enjoy one another. It was such a peaceful, fun weekend. Every holiday that Andy and I can spend here helps to make C.F. more of a home for us. Of course, we missed our family, as usual, but it was nice to have a relaxing weekend.
There are only 22 days until closing...not that anyone is counting! Okay, I am counting. And anxiously awaiting summer. I'm looking forward to taking the time to spend my energy on different things and r-e-s-t. And of course see family and friends! C.F. is such a great place in the summer! Plus, Andy will be here the whole summer, so I'm really looking forward to everything. We're both just working feverishly, trying to get as much accomplished as possible. I'm trying to take the time to slow down and enjoy everything, since I really have had a blessed year, with students and staff.
Hope the pictures link worked!
In love and peace,
Sunday, April 5, 2009
Anxiously awaiting Spring in Northern Iowa.
The week of Spring Break was so glorious in C. F. A few days, I think the temperature reached 70 degrees! I was out and about, taking walks, getting the dog out, enjoying life, in awe of God's glorious creation. After convincing myself that I most definitely suffer from SAD (seasonal affective disorder), considering how much BETTER I felt with a little warmth and sunshine, I was feeling good!
Today, it's April 5. And there's about 2 inches of snow on the ground. Luckily, my heart has been filled with other things, like a wonderful worship service this morning and a relaxing end of the weekend with Andy to worry/complain/be sad about a spring hiatus. In fact, as Andy and were driving home from the grocery store, cursing he "stupid" weather, I was suddenly reminded that the snow was created by God. Brought to us by God. Intended for us, on this day, at this time. Instantly, I got over myself. Yes, it's colder than I would like. But the warmth will come again. It was just another example of my need to remember that everything is part of God's plan :-). Even when I think that a minute detail like snow on April 5 is unnecessary. 0:-). But,'s not my plan!
In other news, Andy and I both anticipating the end of the semester. It's been a tough year for Andy and we could both use a restful summer. Right now we're trying to decide how to celebrate our first anniversary! I'm excited to have Andy here ALL summer (his first full summer in C.F.!) and can't wait to have a chance to spend my time in a different way at work. While I love the busyness and constant change during the school year, the most accurate description of my daily life is hectic. During the summers, I'm able to develop different skills and spend my time being more creative.
Since I've used the word "anxious" twice in this post, I thought it was time to look up Scripture related to that topic (yet again...certainly not the first time I've looked to Scripture for guidance with anxiety. I think "anxiety" could be my middle name). Here is what stuck out:
"The Lord is with you when are with him. If you seek him, He will be found by you." 2 Chronicles 15:2
I love that passage because it reminds me time and again that when I take time and discipline myself to spend time with Scripture, my heart and mind are satisfied in a way that I can never find in anything else. And the good Lord knows I've tried my whole like to find other (usually destructive) ways to satisfy myself. Just this afternoon, I experienced this again. I have to admit that reading Scripture is routinely overwhelming. But this afternoon, as I opened my Bible, I found myself so eager to read. I ended up finishing Luke, a Gospel I had been reading for months. Praise God for giving me such a desire :-).
Now I'm off to start my week with some Sunday evening meetings.
In love and peace,
Saturday, March 21, 2009
New furniture
Thursday, March 12, 2009
Hand me those rose colored glasses, please
What a difference a few weeks make! A few weeks ago I was feeling totally out of balance. Work was insane, I wasn't focusing on the things I wanted to spend time on, etc. Luckily, things have slowed down at work and I've rededicated myself to taking time for the things I deem important.
I continuously surprise myself at how quickly my perspective can change. One minute, I'm ready to throw in the towel. The next minute, I'm looking through the rose colored glasses again and everything is F-I-N-E.
I had a wonderful conversation with a dear friend last night that really reminded me of how blessed my life is! God is continuously doing a work in me and he often shows me that work through my dear friend Liz. As I've probably mentioned before, Liz and I are somehow cosmically connected, as we often face parallel things in our lives at the same time. But the other thing I love about our relationship is how, so beautifully, one of us can help the other, usually without even knowing it. Luckily for me, it's usually Liz helping me! Her faithfulness has really challenged me to realign my own life and the benefits are indescribable. Just last night we were talking about God's timing versus our own timing when I was able to share a story with her about a woman I know from my church who prayed for forty years that her husband would come to know Christ. FORTY YEARS! And, after forty years, this woman's husband's heart was changed. What's so interesting is that, in me sharing that story with Liz, I was reminded of the issue of God's timing. Here I am, trying to help out Liz, and I end up helping out myself. Or rather, God showed grace towards both of us simultaneously. How wonderful! The conversation of timing reminds me so quickly of this passage in Philippian's:
Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. - Philippian's 4:6-7
If there is one thing I'm great at, it's worrying about stuff. If it was a profession, I would be making a LOT of $$. I love this passage because it reminds me to stop wasting time worrying or making too many plans and instead immediately encourages me to bring my energy back to "prayer and petition, with thanksgiving". Isn't that beautiful?
In other news, some things have fallen through with Andy's original school plans and he is now going to be finishing up in May 2010. While this was definitely something that we weren't expecting and seriously upset Andy (and me), it was amazing to see how God showed up in this situation too. I was recently talking to my dad about the possibilities Andy and I had discussed after hearing of his setback when my dad said "the door closed for a reason. You're supposed to stay at UNI for at least another year". What made this so unusual was that my dad is NOT the type of person to talk in this way. Usually, he just shrugs his shoulders and says "whatever". I knew immediately it was God working through my dad to remind me that His will is ever-present and I need to keep my eyes, ears, and heart open to stay on the path.
Other than all of that, things are great in Iowa. We're anxiously awaiting the spring thaw and Andy is gearing up for Spring Break. On Sunday he will head home for a week for a much deserved break. I'll stay in Iowa to hold down the fort.
I'll try to put up some pictures soon. Our new furniture arrived a few weeks ago and I'd love to share!
In peace and love,
Ashleigh (and Andy)
Friday, February 20, 2009
Balance your mobile...
Today I was talking to someone about how crazy life is and how out of balance I feel. Imagine it like a baby's mobile, with some objects like bricks, really pulling things down, and other objects way at the top, barely getting any attention. We were talking about how to balance that mobile out a little bit more and I kept going back to faith. Scripture. Discipleship. Among other things, I continuously struggle against my desire for instant gratification. If I want it, I want it N-O-W. So, in looking up scripture regarding contentment, I came across the following:
"Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight" Proverbs 3:5-6
I need to remind myself to trust in the Lord with all my heart. It's the rational thinking I need to fall back on when things are out of balance. I want to be earnestly following the Lord and that journey begins by remembering that God will lead me in the right direction. I just need to be obedient.
In peace and love,
Sunday, February 15, 2009
Progress Report
The start to 2009 has been incredibly busy! At the end of January UNI hosted the 19th annual RA Conference, of which I was part of the planning committee. It was a great time but an incredible amount of work. The following week we began RA interviews, which consisted of 28 hours of interviews in three days. By the beginning of the NEXT week (last week) we were finishing a different part of RA interviews when I told a candidate "in the last two weeks I've worked between 100-120 hours". At first, I couldn't believe it to be true. The time had gone so quickly. But, after adding it up, I realized that I had indeed logged 100+ hours in two weeks. Andy and I are thankful that things are slowing down, but we know the spring semester will continue to fly by.
As the semester continues to speed down the tracks, it's important for me to take the time to reflect on how the year has started. I've got great plans for 2009 and want to make sure that I stay heading in the right direction. Below is a list of things I'd like to do/change during 2009. This is of course in addition to my NYRs, because, you know, I'm insane ;-).
1. Read more. Last year I didn't read much. This year, I want to finish at least 12 books.
2. Spend more time reading scripture/doing devotions. This hasn't ever been a pertinent part of my life but, as I grow in my faith, I crave time in the Word. As our minister mentioned today in the service we should "know God's promises well enough to pray them back to Him". It's a pretty lofty goal but something I want to be able to accomplish. For the last few months I have been trying to read scripture daily, although some weeks have been better than others. I want to focus on being consistent with that, as well as adding one to two days of devotions in there. I know that daily devotions may be a little ambitious for me, so starting off with a couple a week should be a good stepping stone.
3. I want to exercise consistently. While I've had periods in my life where I've considered myself "active", I haven't felt like that in a while. I want to exercise an average of 3-4 days a week this year. Also, I want to run a half marathon this year. I'm planning to run one in September. I've "talked" about running one before, but I really want to achieve this in 2009.
4. Stay in better touch with friends and family. As my life gets busier and my friends' lives take off in exciting directions, I want to be sure that I don't lose touch. Phone dates are going to be a must!
So, since these are the things I'd like to do, I figure I better report my progress regularly. So, here's where we are, approximately six weeks into the semester:
1. I finished Breaking Dawn in January, buzzed through Irresistible Revolution, although I wasn't able to finish it, and am currently reading My Sister's Keeper.
2. I was reading scripture pretty consistently in January, but that has fallen away as life has gotten busy. I'm recommitting today.
3. I hadn't been exercising very much, again because I was so busy. I did get two days in last week and plan to achieve 3 days of exercise this week.
4. I'm feeling good about staying in touch with friends and family more. I've had phone dates with friends and have made a point to keep in touch with family more. I'm not where I'd like to be yet, but I'm getting there.
So far, things are going okay. I have to be careful not to put too much pressure on myself, though. If I know anything about myself, it's that, at the first sign of stress, I seem to automatically pile on the pressure. Instead of cutting back during the busy times, I'm always deciding to increase things. I have to remember to lighten up! I also need to constantly remind myself to seek God's will first. It's the only will that matters. Despite how much I love to plan, there's no need to put too much stock into anything; God will lead me down the road he's already created for me, regardless of whether or not I've "decided" that's the way I'm going or not.
In other news, Andy and I just bought some furniture! We were so giddy, walking out of the store. Andy told me "it's the first big purchase we've made as a married couple." Once it comes (estimated arrival is 2-4 weeks) we'll take pictures and post.
In peace and love,
Ashleigh (and Andy)
Saturday, January 24, 2009
Shane Claiborne is changing my life...and he doesn't even know me!
The Irresistible Revolution - Shane Claiborne. It's changing my life...
People used to think I was cool. In grad school I would do yoga, drink green tea, and talk about religion. I'd read interesting books, talk about documentaries; I flew to Japan one spring was a time in my life that I felt really solid. Things were going well. And I think the whole reason things were going so great was because I was really connected...spiritually. I was desperately trying to become my most authentic self. Whatever that means...
Then I graduated, got a job, married a wonderful man, got a dog (not in that order...) and suddenly life became really mundane. I resented having to work so much, got tired and was lazy when I came home, couldn't muster up any energy to save my life. I was in a serious rut.
Luckily, I'm working my way out of said rut and I'll tell you, it's beautiful. First, it's nice to connect with family and friends...I don't know where I lost sight of the importance of relationships, but there's nothing better than the feeling of reconnecting. I've still got a lot to do, but I'm proud to spend my time that way. Also, it feels good to be climbing back out of my head. That rut was dangerous! Maybe that rut was depression; I'm not quite sure. Regardless, I'm glad I'm going in a better direction now. It's like somebody took Windex and cleared the film away (that "someone, was God and his miraculous grace, of course). Everything's prettier (still frigidly cold...hahaha, but prettier). I appreciate having the time to be thankful for all of God's blessings. I spent a lot of time frustrated, angry, sad, etc. These days, each new day is an exercise in humbling myself. And while growing pains can hurt, it's been a good hurt, ya know?
Anyhow, back to The Irresistible Revolution. My friend Liz (who, clearly, is cosmically connected to me for all eternity, as we years and counting...go through similar things at similar times in our lives) recommended this book to me a few weeks ago. That was the same phone conversation that led to me giving up television, trying to spend money in intentional ways, etc. So, I get it from the library (feeling even more chic for not buying the egotistical am I?!) and start reading it and WOW. Thank you for the recommendation, Ms. Liz. This book has come into my life at a most perfect time. As Andy and I have found a church that we adore, and a place where we are touched by the spirit of God every week, I've really really REALLY been craving my own spiritual revival. Or rather, I've been IN my own spiritual revival and then comes an irresistible book.
For a long time, I've struggled with Christianity, because, I love God, my savior is Jesus Christ, but I've seen the cruel world that can go on inside the "Christian Church". Hypocrisy; mixed up priorities; etc. I've always wanted to experience a different kind of "Christianity". One where I could follow God and not a cheater/liar/fraud. For a long time I combatted this by saying "my faith is deeply personal. I'll keep to myself and will still be able to love God". However, the more I learn about the Scriptures, and Jesus' life (yes...the more I learn NOW, because I'm not sure where my brain was when I spent 4 years in the religious studies department at BSU...) the more and more and more I hear that God called us to be in fellowship with one another. I can't be a hermit and live God's will. I can't pull my head and arms and legs back into my shell and hope for the best. I've gotta get OUT THERE. "Out there" had always been a seriously terrifying phrase for me. I'm an introvert...ask the MBTI I just took a few weeks ago. People make me nervous. I never know what to say. I don't think I'm interesting enough to contribute to conversations. Maybe they don't like my clothes or my hair or my attitude, or whatever. So I've been struggling to find a way to be in fellowship with others while maintaining consciousness. At the same time, I've been yearning for a way to extend my faith and spiritual growth.
Then comes Ms. Liz and Mr. Claiborne. I'm not even finished with the book yet (heck, I'm not even 100 pages in!) and I'm more inspired than I have been in years. Of course, I'm not going to run off and join a commune or anything, but through this book God is so graciously reminding me that there's an entire world out there, and many many people in it, who need to be shown the love of Jesus.
So, what can I do? I'm not sure yet. But I'm going to try to figure it out. I can't call up Mother Theresa like Shane did, but I'm sure there's amazing opportunities right here in CF.
The change in my life has been dramatic. Heck, a few years ago...even a few MONTHS ago, I wouldn't have been able to write the things I have in this very blog. If my family ever reads this, they'll probably think I've gone off the deep end. Maybe they'll want to go to...?! I'm so thankful for God's amazing grace.
I'm hoping this blog will organize itself into something less random, but, until then, thanks to those who trudge through the ramblings...
Sunday, January 18, 2009
So manageable...
Giving up television has been interesting. Who knew I had SO MUCH time on my hands? haha. Let me clarify, first. I have watched some television since deciding to detox myself. However, if I watch something now, it's very intentional (e.g. 30 minute meals; the news). At first, I thought I should give up television completely and only watch movies, which I also consider a very intentional choice (not movies that randomly come on TV, but you know, my Netflix subscription...). But then I realized, calm down and stop being so rigid. No one is going to "punish me" if I "slip up". And was does that even mean, considering I was the one who decided to give up TV? ha. However, the whole thing has been a truly liberating experience. I've had the opportunity to do great things with the extra time, like exercise, read scripture, journal, read books for leisure, listen to music, and just be quiet. That is definitely something I have been missing. I remember all of the time I spent in graduate school, just laying on my couch, watching the curtains blow. Now, of course, I wasn't being productive in those minutes, but I was allowing myself to detach from the rush of life. And I must say, it was always so very refreshing. Once Andy walked into my life, that exercise in quietness was forgotten, as Andy happens to be the type that needs background noise. So, as I've embarked on this journey of little to no television, I've reconnected with that thing that I loved to do so It's really lovely.
I’d rather have Jesus than silver or gold;
I’d rather be His than have riches untold;
I’d rather have Jesus than houses or lands;
I’d rather be led by His nail-pierced hand
Than to be the king of a vast domain,
Or be held in sin’s dread sway;
I’d rather have Jesus than anything
This world affords today.
I’d rather have Jesus than men’s applause;
I’d rather be faithful to His dear cause;
I’d rather have Jesus than worldwide fame;
I’d rather be true to His holy name
He’s fairer than lilies of rarest bloom;
He’s sweeter than honey from out the comb;
He’s all that my hungering spirit needs;
I’d rather have Jesus and let Him lead
Easy words and a tough road to choose, huh?
Along with my TV hiatus, Andy and I have both agreed that we want to be more intentional with our money. Or, perhaps I should just say intentional, leaving out the "more", as we are both VERY good and spending when we sure don't need anything. It has been really eye-opening, just in the few weeks we've committed to this. And I must admit, it's usually me who throws the towel in too early when it comes to practicing good stewardship with $$, so I've been really proud of both of us. We're utilizing our meal plans every day and just plain refusing to buy stuff. I feel quite spoiled talking about using a meal plan, as I know that we've been blessed so graciously while people all around us are sometimes making the choice between food and the bills. I'm thankful that we have recognized the blessings God has given us, because I think it helps us to remember those around us, and the situations that others are in. By simply remembering others, we can pray for, reach out to, serve, etc. Praise God for humbling our hearts by showing us the tough, tough stuff others are dealing with each day! So...anyhow, Andy and I have been quite amazed at how much $$ we were throwing away to restaurants every week. We basically have two great restaurants right here on campus, in the form of nationally recognized dining centers, where we can choose from LOTS of great food, and it's all free! I'm ashamed to say it has taken us so long to realize how spoiled we were to think that we deserved to be eating out all the time, but again, I'm glad God has humbled us!
What I think is so funny (and fun) about consciously trying to not spend money is discovering how good we were at rationalizing spending before. Example, today, Andy and I are at Walmart (getting my oil changed (I was two thousand miles over...) and air put into the tires, because free air at any gas station is out of commission, given the subzero temps) when I remembered that we could really use another (key word, "another") humidifer for our bedroom. Two weeks ago, we would have put it on my credit card and enjoyed yet another luxury. Today, I said to Andy, "you know what, instead of spending $25, let's just move the other humidifer we already have (which, by the way, was provided in our apartment for FREE) into our bedroom at night." Andy said "I like where your head's at...". I laughed out loud in Walmart and headed back to the auto department to pay and get outta there. It was such a perfect example of how we're trying to break the conditioning we've developed in ourselves to think that we "need" something, when really we just "want" something. Exploring the differences between those two things is so important, and again, I'm thankful for God's grace in leading us down this direction (with the help of Liz, who God is working through day in and day out). The whole ordeal is quite empowering. And, it's getting really fun. It's beginning to feel like a game for me, figuring out ways to not have to buy stuff. Of course, don't expect to see me going to any true extremes, but it is nice to know that we're trying to be good stewards of the gifts God has given us!
In other news, Andy started the semester last week and I think he's enjoying his classes. He's certainly anxious and ready to be done with school, but knowing that there is now a light at the end of the tunnel (he's scheduled to graduate December of this year) has provided him with enough motivation to push through. You go, babe!
The semester is of course off and running for me, as usual. Spring is busy in the ResLife world, but it should make the time pass quickly. I'm ready for the beautiful, snow free, slower pace of summer.
My last piece for now is the reminder that God has a mysterious way of working. I'm always so amazed at how full my heart feels each Sunday after church. Seeking the face of God is so rewarding! And oh, how God provides! Today our minister read a puritan prayer that included the request to "be content in all things". Now, these words aren't special on their own, but, as I've struggled for so long to always anticipate/be anxious for, or about, the "next thing", this phrase really hit home with me. It's the way I want to live every moment of my life, and it's the way I SHOULD live every moment of my life, because God has provided and will continue to provide for all of my needs. There's no reason to be anything other than "content in all things".
Also, I had to laugh, because one of the songs we sang this morning was called "I'd Rather Have Jesus". It immediately made me think of our recent efforts to spend $$ more intentionally and reminded me that my first desire/priority should always be to follow God. The lyrics are below:
I’d rather have Jesus than silver or gold;
I’d rather be His than have riches untold;
I’d rather have Jesus than houses or lands;
I’d rather be led by His nail-pierced hand
Than to be the king of a vast domain,
Or be held in sin’s dread sway;
I’d rather have Jesus than anything
This world affords today.
I’d rather have Jesus than men’s applause;
I’d rather be faithful to His dear cause;
I’d rather have Jesus than worldwide fame;
I’d rather be true to His holy name
He’s fairer than lilies of rarest bloom;
He’s sweeter than honey from out the comb;
He’s all that my hungering spirit needs;
I’d rather have Jesus and let Him lead
Easy words and a tough road to choose, huh?
Sunday, January 11, 2009
So, I keep telling Andy that I've updated "our blog" and he keeps asking "why do we have a blog?". So, this blog may experience a metamorphosis into a hybrid of Ashleigh and Andy's/just Ashleigh's blog. haha. We'll see.
So, I had a WONDERFUL conversation with my great friend Liz yesterday. Andy laughs every time we talk on the phone, because we're guaranteed at least 1.5-2 hours of conversation :-). Anyhoo, Liz is in the middle of changing her life in some pretty significant ways, all of which I'm very interested in. She's given up TV; she's spending her money in intentional ways...etc. Anyhoo, I won't give out all her secrets, but our conversation Saturday sparked a revival in me!
I was especially interested in her hiatus from TV. Of course I immediately thought about my own life, and how much mindless television I watched. I thought back to last semester, when I spent so much time angry at myself for "not having enough time to do things". Then I realized that I had become quite attached to my television shows. And it's not like I'm watching National Geographic Channel or Discovery all of the time. No, instead, for the last year I have strategically planned my Mondays around "The Hills"...yes, folks, The Hills. Oh, and E! News. And any reality show on Bravo. And the only thing that ends up happening for me is that the show ends and I'm immediately envious of the gorgeous women, sad that I'll never have that liftstyle, and disgusted that I just spent 30 minutes - an hour watching nonsense.
So, I'm detoxing. I'm sure it will lead to a much better use of my time. We know for a fact that everyone has the exact same amount of time of their hands each day; so then why do some people get so much more work done?! Heck, just in the first evening of turning off the TV I was able to journal, read for leisure, read and reflect on scripture, spend time in prayer, call my mom and call my grandfather! Now, getting all of that accomplished was MUCH more satisfying than sitting on the couch watching men and women that live in a totally different reality than my own.
The other thing that Liz has so influenced me with is taking time to be more thankful. Thankful for all of the blessings God has given and continues to give me. When I stop to think about it, it really is amazing. And I know that, in this field, life can get pretty difficult, but so much of it is about an attitude adjustment. I know that spending more time thanking God for what he has given me is sure to lift my spirits!
So, I'm going to work on giving up television (sorry Liz, I'm totally copy-catting) and Andy and I will talk about intentional spending. I'll keep you posted!
So, I had a WONDERFUL conversation with my great friend Liz yesterday. Andy laughs every time we talk on the phone, because we're guaranteed at least 1.5-2 hours of conversation :-). Anyhoo, Liz is in the middle of changing her life in some pretty significant ways, all of which I'm very interested in. She's given up TV; she's spending her money in intentional ways...etc. Anyhoo, I won't give out all her secrets, but our conversation Saturday sparked a revival in me!
I was especially interested in her hiatus from TV. Of course I immediately thought about my own life, and how much mindless television I watched. I thought back to last semester, when I spent so much time angry at myself for "not having enough time to do things". Then I realized that I had become quite attached to my television shows. And it's not like I'm watching National Geographic Channel or Discovery all of the time. No, instead, for the last year I have strategically planned my Mondays around "The Hills"...yes, folks, The Hills. Oh, and E! News. And any reality show on Bravo. And the only thing that ends up happening for me is that the show ends and I'm immediately envious of the gorgeous women, sad that I'll never have that liftstyle, and disgusted that I just spent 30 minutes - an hour watching nonsense.
So, I'm detoxing. I'm sure it will lead to a much better use of my time. We know for a fact that everyone has the exact same amount of time of their hands each day; so then why do some people get so much more work done?! Heck, just in the first evening of turning off the TV I was able to journal, read for leisure, read and reflect on scripture, spend time in prayer, call my mom and call my grandfather! Now, getting all of that accomplished was MUCH more satisfying than sitting on the couch watching men and women that live in a totally different reality than my own.
The other thing that Liz has so influenced me with is taking time to be more thankful. Thankful for all of the blessings God has given and continues to give me. When I stop to think about it, it really is amazing. And I know that, in this field, life can get pretty difficult, but so much of it is about an attitude adjustment. I know that spending more time thanking God for what he has given me is sure to lift my spirits!
So, I'm going to work on giving up television (sorry Liz, I'm totally copy-catting) and Andy and I will talk about intentional spending. I'll keep you posted!
Monday, January 5, 2009
1st Christmas as "The Crowes"...
Christmas and New Years was great! We made our great escape from Iowa on December 20 and didn't come back until January 3. We spent time at Dad's, Mom's, and Andy's family! We got more gifts than we know what to do with and got to see lots of family and friends!
Andy and I are BOTH looking forward to the spring semester. Each semester I settle in a little bit more and each semester Andy gets closer to graduation! This semester will be very busy for the both of us, but we know it will be full of fun and blessings!
I'm not sure how many photos I have from our vacation, but I'll try to upload some in a few minutes.
Happy 2009!
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