Sunday, December 5, 2010

We're moving to Indiana!

Well, the Crowes are preparing to move yet again! But hopefully this time it will be more permanent! I've taken a job with Indiana State University as an academic advisor with the exploratory studies program. I'll be working in the Student Academic Services Center.

Andy is currently working on a transfer to the Terre Haute Sofa Mart and we're praying that works out! What a joy and testament it would be to both be able to move to Terre Haute with jobs lined up.

Our biggest burden at the moment is finding someone to lease our Cedar Rapids apartment. If you happen to know of anyone in the area, please pass their name along to me! Or have them email me at You can also guide them to our June 23rd post, which has pictures of the apartment!

In the meantime, we're busy! The semester ends in 12 days and we move in less than 20 days!

Saturday, November 13, 2010


Haven't updated in a while. Very busy. Lots going on. Will update soon.

Sunday, October 3, 2010

The Crowes have a financial revolution

So, we've been taking the Dave Ramsey Financial Peace University class now for about 4 weeks and we just love it. Not only is DR hilarious, but the class is giving us hope in what was formerly a hopeLESS situation, regarding money. Last week, we did our first budget, and we didn't even yell at each other (DR says it takes around 90 days to get a budget going that works smoothly...he also warns that budgets stir up emotions, so you and your partner have to be on the same page). Since it's still the first of October, we haven't had too much time to damage the first budget, but it has given us something to consider every time we make plans. Last night, we even turned down plans because we didn't want to spend all or even half our entertainment money for the month on October 2. That, my friends, is a sure sign of our financial revolution! Now we just have to continue sticking to the plan, commit to some discipline, and, God willing, we'll be debt free sooner than we could have ever imagined! The toughest lesson by far is going to be learning to live within our means; we aren't extravagant spenders, but we haven't been disciplined spenders, either.

In the spirit of saving money, here are two things I just absolutely L-O-V-E (at the moment, anyway).

1. Aldi - if you have an Aldi in your town, shop there. This week, I saved 30% of my grocery budget. And having cash left over after leaving the store, now THAT's a good feeling! And, though I haven't actually done the math, the savings will be more than 30%...since I got outta there with MORE than a week's worth of food, yet we have a grocery budget for every week. Yippy!

2. Homemade laundry detergent. I found a recipe on The Duggar's Website and just made my second batch this morning. After realizing that the first batch I made should have yielded 10 gallons (I thought it was only supposed to yield 5 gallons...whoops), I'm excited to report that this time, I'll do approximately 100 loads of laundry for about $1.33. Yes, total. The five gallon bucket of detergent did just about 50 loads of laundry and the cost was around $2.66. And, it takes less than 15 minutes to make the detergent. Talk about another huge way to save money!

Monday, September 27, 2010

Here at Your feet, I lay my past down
My wanderings, all my mistakes down
And I am free

Here at Your feet, I lay this day down
Not in my strength, but in Yours I’ve found
All I need, You’re all I need

Jesus, Jesus, at Your feet
Oh, to dwell and never leave
Jesus, Jesus, at Your feet
There is nowhere else for me
There is nowhere else for me

Here at Your feet, I lay my future down
All of my dreams, I give to You now
And I find peace, I find peace
Here at Your feet, I lay my life down
For You my King, You’re all I want now
And my soul sings…

‘Cause I am free (here at Your feet)
All I need (is at Your feet)
I find peace
We’re at Your feet
We’re at Your feet

And I am free (here at Your feet)
All I need (is at Your feet)
I find peace
We’re at Your feet
We’re at Your feet
We’re at Your feet
We’re at Your feet

Here at Your feet
I lay my life down

Monday, September 13, 2010

10K Complete!

Well, despite not keeping with my training program, we successfully finished the 10K this past Saturday! I owe nearly all of my success to my great friends, Lisa and Jenny, who kept me going when I wanted to walk a few paces. But...I managed to not only finish the entire race, but ran the entire way. 1 hour and 20 minutes, to complete. It gave me a huge boost of confidence and inspires me to continue running. Next year, we'll planning to run the half marathon as a relay team! Wish us luck!
I am not skilled to understand
What God has willed, what God has planned
I only know at His right hand
Stands one who is my Savior

I take Him at His word and deed
Christ died to save me; this I read
And in my heart I find a need
Of Him to be my savior

That He would leave His place on high
And come for sinful man to die
You count it strange, so once did I
Before I knew my Savior

My Savior loves, My Savior lives
My Savior's always there for me
My God: He was, my God; He is
My God is always gonna be

Yes, living, dying, let me bring
My strength, my solace from this spring;
That He who lives to be my King
Once died to be my Savior

That He would leave His place on high
And come for sinful man to die
You count it strange, so once did I
Before I knew my Savior

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Home Sweet Home

Oh how good it is to be back...

We never realized how much we were going to miss Cedar Falls until we returned. On Monday morning, we were literally giddy with delight as we drove to the DOR to take care of some business. We kept saying to one another "I don't wanna leeeeeeave!!!". Cedar Falls is a wonderful place to live!

I'm adjusting well to the new building. The students and staff have been so's an encouraging way to begin a new(ish) position.

I'm currently typing on our new MacBook Pro, which I'm totally in love with...oh....Mac. You're so amazing :-).

September is here and the weather is hinting at fall. I can't wait until the temperatures cool down a bit. I know, I know, I'll be regretting those words in a couple of months, what, with the barren cold winters of NE Iowa, but I have a deep affinity for the entire season of fall. There's nothing better, in terms of weather. Jeans, hoodies, beautiful colors, I wish it could be fall year around...(although spring is a close second).

Andy and I are desperate for a vacation. We've been reminiscing about Florida and our honeymoon...maybe we'll get to go back soon.

I've literally been smiling to myself every time I pray, because I"m so full of thankfulness and happiness for the blessings God has given us.

Spike is looking desperate for bed...better retreat for the evening!

Dear Lord, THANK YOU. You are amazing and I am truly humbled.

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Back to UNI for Ashleigh!

Okay, so here's the scoop:

At the end of July, I ended my position as the Bender RLC at UNI and moved to CR, where Andy was already working as the new assistant manager for SM. I got a part-time job with with LB, and continued looking for another part-time job. Then, because a former colleague received a new position, an RLC position opened up late back at UNI. So, beginning August 30, I'm taking over as the new RLC for Campbell Hall! I'm excited to return to UNI and can't wait to get to know everyone in Campbell.

Now, lot's of people have been asking..."so how are you and Andy working this out?" Well, since we already have an apartment (and a nearly impossible-to-break lease) and Andy works 12 hour shifts, he'll will stay in CR while he's working. He'll come to CF on his "weekends", Monday and Tuesdays. I'll be in CR on my weekends, so we'll really only be apart around two days a week. Considering our crazy work schedules, the sacrifice isn't going to be that awful. As for Spike, he'll be with me ;-).

Overall, it's an undeniable gift from God and we are so excited!!

Thank you, Lord, for being awesome and faithful.

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Training update

I've been slacking with the posts about my 10K training. I haven't stuck to the program 100%, but I'm doing well. And, I feel myself getting stronger. Today's run was actually enjoyable! Usually, I'm dying by minute 7. I even wanted to go longer, but had to get Spike home, as we was being a total ruckus. I'm looking forward to my long run on Sunday, sans Spike. There's a high school close to our apartment, with a track, so I'm going to try to get the full 6 miles in. With about 4 weeks left until the race, I want to be prepared for the distance. I won't be able to run the entire time, but even to walk/run the 6 miles will be a good start. Below is my progress:

Week 3:
Monday - Rest - Check. Always one of my favorite days of training ;-)
Tuesday - Walk (1 min.) / Run (5 min.) - continue for 25-35 minutes - Missed. Was traveling home that day, and didn't feel like running after the drive.
Wednesday - Rest or cross-train. I chose to rest...hehe. Check
Thursday - Walk (1 min.) / Run (10 min.) - continue for 20-30 minutes. Didn't follow this but did run on Thursday. Ran for 15 minutes straight, then walked a bit, then ran another 5 minutes. So...Check.
Friday - Rest. Check
Saturday - cross-train. Check. My sister has a crazy collection of cardio's like a small gym in their living room... so thanks, sister!
Sunday - Long run. Missed. Traveling back to Iowa and didn't feel like running. Anyone seeing a pattern?

Week 4:
Monday - Rest. Yep. Check.
Tuesday - Walk (1 min.) / Run (5 min.) - continue for 25-35 minutes. Check
Wednesday - Cross-train. Check
Thursday -Walk (1 min.) / Run (10 min.) - continue for 20-30 minutes. Check. I might have been a minute or two short, because Spike was a ruckus, but I got nearly every minute in. And, it felt good!
Friday - Rest. Yep, that won't be a problem. I'll consider it...Check.
Saturday - Cross train. Planning to take Spike for a long, brisk walk
Sunday - Long run. Walk (2 min.) / Run (7 min.) for 30-40 minutes. Planning to do this at the high school track up the road.

Getting anxious about the race. But, also enjoying the progress I'm making. Here's to four more weeks of training and a successful finish!

Our newest additions

The day I left for Indiana, Andy bought our new scooter, which he affectionately calls "The Red Baron". He takes it to work, and says that he gets some pretty interesting looks :-). We've also taken around the neighborhood a couple of times and get lots of smiles every time we pass anyone. It's a fun little thing to have, and definitely great on gas. The last time Andy filled it up, it was under $2!

As Spike and I were coming home from a run this afternoon, we ran into one of the tenants from another building, and she gave us this beautiful flower! I didn't catch the name, so sent a picture to my mom for identification. The woman told me it was a great inside plant, and didn't need much watering. I hope I can keep it alive...

I'm in CR full time now, and it's lovely to see Andy every day! I'm also working at LB, in the mall just up the road from Andy's work. It's really great so far...I'm excited to see what happens! I'm working tomorrow and Saturday, during Iowa's tax free weekend, so I'm being trained by jumping right in. Just the way I like it! At least the shifts will go quickly!

Working part-time is a huge culture shock for me. I didn't realize how easily I get bored until I stopped working full+ time. With the extra time, I've been organizing, cleaning, clearing out...It's nice to have some time to get things done around the house, but I also miss the work. I pray that God has something waiting up his sleeve for me.

Dear Lord, thank you for your provisions. Help us to recognize our blessings as blessings, and not boredom/lack of income/idle time/TV time/nap time. Let your light shine through us, in all that we do. Amen.

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Week 3:

Monday - Walk (1 min.)/Run (5 min.). Continue for 25-35 minutes. Check.

Glad to be in week 3. Felt good today. I could have been so happy whilst running because I was falling very hard in love with the brand new treadmill our wellness center has added. It. Was. Amazing. Charges my iPod, allows me to download my workout information to a USB drive, gives me a track, natural trail, or mountain to visualize while I's magic.

In semi-unrelated news, Pillsbury Ready to Eat Chocolate Fudge Brownie Bites are my new arch nemesis.

CF is coming to an end

Well, I'm in my last week in CF. This past weekend was actually a really great turning point for me. I had been slow to get excited about the move, but after spending the weekend with Andy in CR, I'm finally ready to leave. I'm finishing up one more week of work, and will then head down to CR early next week. I've landed one (very) part-time job at a store in the mall right up the road from Andy's work, so that's at least something. I'm in the interview process for another part time position and have looked into the possibility of substitute teaching. Despite how difficult it is for me to do, I'm relying on God to provide us with something and am confident that He has a job for me in the works.

I'm really looking forward to head back home for a week very soon! I'm dying for a vacation and can use the rest and relaxation (though Andy won't be going with me, so it won't be a perfect trip...). My sister just bought her first home and I'm going to see the her new place. I'll also get to see both of my parents, so it should be a fun time! I'm also very excited to see a great friend whom I haven't seen in over 3 years (how does that happen?!), so the trip cannot come soon enough :-).

Here's to one final week in this chapter and then onto the next chapter.

10K Progress

Well, I kinda fell off the wagon last week, but am back on this week.

End of week 2:
Thursday: Walk (1 min.)/Run (10 min.) - continue for 15-20 minutes. Missed this work-out
Friday: Rest. Check.
Saturday: Cross-train - Check. I did a cardio DVD...couldn't move for 2.5 days.
Sunday: Long run. Missed this work-out

I'm going to attempt Week 3, instead of going back to complete week 2 again. Might be hard, but I'll push through.

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Amazing grace
How sweet the sound
That saved a wretch like me
I once was lost, but now I'm found
Was blind, but now I see
'Twas grace that taught my heart to fear
And grace my fears relieved
How precious did that grace appear
The hour I first believed
My chains are gone
I've been set free
My God, my Savior has ransomed me
And like a flood His mercy rains
Unending love, Amazing grace

The Lord has promised good to me
His word my hope secures
He will my shield and portion be
As long as life endures

The earth shall soon dissolve like snow
The sun forbear to shine
But God, Who called me here below
Will be forever mine
Will be forever mine
You are forever mine

Week 2 Progress

Monday - REST - uh, check!
Tuesday - walk (2 min.)/run (2 min.) Continue for 15-20 min. Check. This, I REALLY didn't want to do. I don't know why my tendency is to resist, but it is. However, I made myself go out and do Tuesday's workout. Throughout the process, I kept feeling genuinely surprised with myself. It was nice to get it finished.
Wednesday - REST or cross-train - Check. I made this a rest day because it was too impossible to do something outside, (with the heat index, it was over 100 degrees) and I was tired and think I'm fighting off a cold. Not the best excuse, but it's what happened.

Thursday Walk (1 min.)/run (10 min.) Continue for 15-20 min. - I woke up not wanting to do this. I have to go to CR this afternoon for some job interviews, which means I won't get back into town until later in the evening. It will take a lot of motivation to get me out there. But, I've surprised myself before; I can do it again!

Monday, July 12, 2010

Week 1 - CHECK
Monday - REST - check
Tuesday - walk (2 minutes)/run (2 minutes). Continue for 15-20 minutes - check
Wednesday - REST or cross-train - check
Thursday - Walk (1 minute)/run (10 minutes). Continue for 15-20 minutes - check
Friday - REST - check
Saturday - Cross-train - check
Sunday - Long run. Walk (2 minutes)/run (5 minutes). Continue for 30-40 minutes - check

It feels great to have week 1 accomplished! I don't know if I've ever made it this far in a training program ;-). I was looking forward to the long run on Sunday. Once I was in it, I wanted to quit a few times (min. 16, 23, 28) but stuck it out for the full 40 minutes.

Week 2 is exactly the same as week one:
Monday - REST - uh, check!
Tuesday - walk (2 min.)/run (2 min.) Continue for 15-20 min.
Wednesday - REST or cross-train
Thursday Walk (1 min.)/run (10 min.) Continue for 15-20 min.
Friday - REST
Saturday - Cross-train
Sunday - Long run. Walk (2 min)/run (5 min). Continue for 30-40 min

Here's to week 2!

Lord, give me the strength to continue on; give me endurance, patience, acceptance of my abilities, and the willingness to challenge myself. Let everything I do be a reflection of your glory. Amen.

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Spring 2010

For some pictures of Spring/Beginning of Summer 2010, check out the link below!

10k progress

Week 1, Friday - Rest day. Beautiful. Check
Week 1, Saturday - Cross train. Check. I took it easy and just went for a long walk with Spike this evening. I'm excited about tomorrow; it's the first "long run" of the program, and I'm looking forward to it!

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Week 1, Thursday - Walk (1 minute)/run (10 minutes) - continue for 15-20 minutes. Check.
Today was really difficult. It was a big jump to go from 2 minutes continuous running to 10 minutes running. However, I got it done. In minute 15, I did take a 10 second walk, but made it up at the end ;-). Also, despite still being in the first week, I am REALLY proud of myself! I have to admit...usually it's around this time that I give up. But, I'm stickin' it out. Thank goodness tomorrow is a rest day :-).

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Day 3 of training

Week 1, Wednesday - cross training. Check. Went just fine; did the elliptical machine at the gym. Anxious for tomorrow's run.

Tuesday, July 6, 2010


Spike and I are training for my first 10k. Spike won't be joining me on race day, but he gets to come along for the companionship. My friend, Lisa and I recently signed up for our first (I think it's her first too) 10k, which will happen in early September. To be honest, I've been dreading it; and, worse yet, I've been avoiding the training part. The last time I ran a race was two years ago, and it was just a 5k. The last time I trained for a race was about six years ago...I can never find the discipline. Then, I haphazardly came across a training program in Fitness Magazine. It's the first downloadable link that pops up. Yes, it's a beginner's plan, but, I guess it's time to consider myself a beginner...again. And yes, it's a walk/run program, but you know what - I've resigned myself to the idea that finishing a 10k will be very rewarding...even if I have to walk a few minutes. So, in order to keep myself a bit more accountable, I'm going to blog about the training program, as I go through it.

Week 1
Monday - REST - check (how convenient that I came across this training program on a Monday evening ;-) )
Tuesday - walk (2 minutes)/run (2 minutes). Continue for 15-20 minutes - check
Wednesday - REST or cross-train
Thursday - Walk (1 minute)/run (10 minutes). Continue for 15-20 minutes
Friday - REST
Saturday - Cross-train
Sunday - Long run. Walk (2 minutes)/run (5 minutes). Continue for 30-40 minutes

Since I still have a gym membership on campus, I'm going to use that to my advantage over the next few weeks, while I'm still here. I'll cross-train over there, either swimming or cycling. Once I move to CR full time, I'll cross-train with some my living out, neighbors!

Monday, June 28, 2010

I just returned The Omnivore's Dilemma to the library last week. While I didn't get all the way through, due to a, quite frankly, disGUSTing chapter about feedlots, it most definitely had an impact on me. The fascinating side of these books/documentaries/articles/etc. is learning how utterly out of the loop I am when it comes to knowing where our food comes from. The unfortunate side of these books/documentaries/articles/etc. is their serious ability to overwhelm me. Anytime I read stuff like this, I just think "how can we do what's right/healthy/sustainable/etc. without totally retreating from the "world"? I tell Andy often that I want to move to a farm, grow all of our own food, and teach yoga. He usually laughs, which proves how nearly impossible that dream is. But, it seems like a pretty reasonable way to eat/live in a responsible/healthful way. So, as I continue to figure stuff out for my small family, I'll try to share tips and ideas. I'm about to be jobless soon, so I imagine I'll have a good amount of time on my hands.

Our first line of business is making the switch to organic/close-to-organic as possible. I blogged a few months ago about this and we have continued to make important moves toward this kind of living. When I first wrote about this, Andy was totally uninterested. Then, as we made our first trip to the grocery store in CR (that's a whole other about a weird experience; we don't know how to live off campus :-) ) and suddenly he was talking about organic meat and veggies, eating healthy as preventative medicine, etc. I was jumping for joy, to say the least. So, now if I can just keep him on that kick... It's fun to have him as my partner in crime with this kind of stuff!

Of course, my biggest concern with "organic" is the price. Not only the dollar amount, but also the time and energy it takes to either coordinate trips to the farmer's market, research recipes that use in-season items (the grocery store has duped us into thinking that EVERYTHING is ALWAYS in season), to finding places that even sell "organic" or no hormones, no antibiotics meat, etc. The initial footwork is impressive. And, since we've just moved to a new town, it's even more daunting. I realize it will just take a bit of up front work and then everything will fall into place, but the initial task is overwhelming, to say the least. And, once all of that is taken care of, we have to remember that we're operating in a very strict budget. Kinda takes the fun out of it, huh?

I find The Dirty Dozen information to be pretty helpful when navigating the produce isle. Now clearly, it doesn't take a genius to figure any of this stuff out. But, if you hate being overwhelmed and want to avoid the frustration that comes with trying to pick the best without spending an entire afternoon in the store, this guide is for you. Hopefully the linked page takes you to a document with a wallet-sized sheet that you can cut out, laminate, and throw in your bag, so you don't have to cart the full sheet with you to the store every time.

While our preference would be to buy all things organic, at this time in our lives, we have to prioritize. As of right now, we really want to be committed to buying hormone free/for the most part antibiotic free meat and dairy products. We'll buy organic produce when the price is comparable/cheaper (because, at least in Iowa, it sometimes IS cheaper to buy organically) and will support local farmer's markets as much as possible (because we can actually get to KNOW the people supplying the food). Now the question is, can we do it on a budget just over $100 a month? I'll keep you posted!

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Pictures of our new place

Don't have much time to type, as we're getting ready to head back up to CR, but wanted to give family and friends an idea of our new digs. It's a pretty nice place. Older, but with some character and charm. My favorite feature is turning out to be the basement, because there's a ton of extra storage down there. I was so happy when I kept clearing the apartment by sending Andy downstairs with boxes. How two people have so much stuff is beyond me. But, mark my words; we won't have this much stuff in a year, when we move again!

Friday, June 18, 2010

Amazing grace
How sweet the sound
That saved a wretch like me
I once was lost, but now I'm found
Was blind, but now I see
'Twas grace that taught my heart to fear
And grace my fears relieved
How precious did that grace appear
The hour I first believed
My chains are gone
I've been set free
My God, my Savior has ransomed me
And like a flood His mercy rains
Unending love, Amazing grace

The Lord has promised good to me
His word my hope secures
He will my shield and portion be
As long as life endures

The earth shall soon dissolve like snow
The sun forbear to shine
But God, Who called me here below
Will be forever mine
Will be forever mine
You are forever mine
"Amazing Grace", Chris Tomlin version

Saturday, June 12, 2010

After an interesting apartment search in the CR area yesterday, we both decided on the apartment above. It's a "4-plex" and has two bedrooms, 1 and 3/4 bath, washer and dryer in the basement, with private storage, a 1 stall garage, a dishwasher, and even a wood-burning fireplace! It's definitely not as new and updated as the apartment we found in GB, but it will serve us well. There's currently a yellow stove (hehe) that's in fine working order, but the landlords are willing to replace it, for aesthetics. The apartment is also at the end of a col-de-sac, so it's nice and private and doesn't have the big apartment complex feel.

I'm still on the job-hunt but am faithful that something will come up. I'm so happy to be able to stay in CF through July and am excited for the possibilities in CR.

"Fear not, for I am with you; be not dismayed, for I am your God; I will strength you, I will help you, I will uphold you with my righteous right hand. " - Isaiah 41:10

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Nevermind, Green Bay; Hello, Cedar Rapids!

So, on Sunday, Andy's regional manager mentioned the possibility of Andy going to the Cedar Rapids store, instead of the GB store, because of some things that came up last minute. Since Sunday, we've been on pins and needles waiting to hear where we'd be going (b/c we were originally scheduled to move to GB tomorrow!). Last night, the RM called and told us, we're going to CR!!! We're VERY excited!! This store is a higher volume store, which makes the earning potential more; the manager has a reputation for loving to teach, which will prepare Andy well and hopefully quickly to move into the store manager position and get his own store, AND, we get to stay close to the wonderful friends we've made in CF. The best of all worlds! Thank you, Lord, for providing! And thank you, Lord, for reminding us not to worry...

"Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus." Philippians 4:6 and 7

Friday, June 4, 2010

Scotcheroos (an Iowa dessert)

These things are absolutely amazing! I got the recipe from a friend, who has a wonderful blog called They Call Me Old Fashioned . She's incredibly talented and always coming up with recipes, crafts, etc. Anyhoo, I've been buying a scotcheroo from her every week at the Farmer's Market and finally decided to try her recipe. It's below:

1 stick butter
1 cup light Karo Syrup
1 cup sugar
1 cup smooth peanut butter
6 cups Rice Krispies
1 pkg chocolate chips
1/2 tbsp oil (I used canola but you could use vegetable)

Combine butter, syrup, and sugar together. Once it comes to a rolling boil, remove from heat, add peanut butter, and stir until well combined and smooth. Stir mixture into rice krispies. I split the peanut butter mixture into three smaller pours instead of dumping the entire thing into the rice krispies. Once the rice krispies and the peanut butter mixture is well combined, put it into a 9x13 pan and spread out. Then, melt the chocolate chips in a bowl, add the oil, stir again, and pour over rice krispies. Couldn't be easier; couldn't be more delicious! I got about 18 bars out of this recipes, and spent right around $6, so that's only $0.34 per bar. You could easily split the batch into 24 smaller pieces, but I don't like to skimp! The next time we have family or friends up, I'm definitely going to make these scotcheroos for them, because it's something I hadn't ever heard of until I moved to good ol' Iowa.

Another new home...

Well, it's official. Andy, Spike, and I are moving to Wisconsin! Andy recently received a promotion with Sofa Mart and starts at the Green Bay store later this month. Earlier this week, we went up to WI to search for a place to live. After seeing lots of apartments, we went with the first one we saw. It reminded me of shopping for my wedding dress. I went to the store with a picture of the dress I had chosen from online...after trying on five dresses total, I went with the one from my original picture. Same with this apartment. We had this one in mind when we headed north and, as we were heading back to Iowa, we got the news that the apartment was ours! It was a nice ending to a quick but fun trip. While we were in Green Bay, we got to see Lambeau Field, downtown Green Bay, Bay Beach Amusement Park, and of course, Andy's work.

If anyone ever said moving was easy, they're off their rocker. It is REALLY difficult to coordinate a state-to-state move! Especially when the final dates change, you have one day to find a place to live, you don't know anything about the area, etc. It gave me a new appreciation for those folks that move all over the country (or world, for that matter!) every few years. I pray that, eventually, we have the opportunity to "settle down". Where that will be, I don't know. Home is where you make it, so we'll just have to wait and see, right?

Sunday, May 30, 2010

It hangs above my altar
Like they hung him from a cross
I keep one in my wallet
For the times I feel lost
I feel lost
In a wooden frame with splinters
Where my family kneels to pray
And if you listen close
You'll hear the words he used to say

I've got a picture of Jesus
In his arms so many prayers rest
We've got a picture of Jesus
And with him we shall be forever blessed
Forever blessed
Forever blessed

Now it has been spoken
He would come again
But would we recognize
This king among men
There was a man in our time
His words shine bright like the sun
He tried to lift the masses
And was crucified by gun

He was a picture of Jesus
With him so many prayers rest
He is a picture of Jesus
In his arms so many prayers
So many prayers
So many prayers rest
With him we shall be forever blessed
Forever blessed
Forever blessed

Some days have no beginning
And some days have no end
Some roads are straight and narrow
And some roads only bend
So let us say a prayer
For every living thing
Walking towards a light
From the cross of a king
We long to be a picture of Jesus
Of Jesus
In his arms
In his arms so many prayers rest
I long to be a picture of Jesus
With him we shall be forever blessed
With him we shall
With him we shall be forever blessed
Oh- Oh- I long
I've got a picture of Jesus
--"Picture of Jesus", Ben Harper

Friday, May 28, 2010

Taco Pizza

Ignore the foil...I left my pizza pan in the other apartment, so I had to improvise. I had heard of taco pizza (I have a true heart for pizza...I just love love love it!) before but never had it. I was attempting to use up some groceries we had in the house, because I HATE to buy more groceries when we haven't gone through everything first, and low and behold, I had ingredients for taco pizza. And, turns out, taco pizza is stinkin' delicious! And so, so simple! The method is below:

Brown the meat (I used ground turkey, but any ground meat will be perfect)
Add taco seasoning
Put seasoned meat on pizza crust
Top with mexican blend shredded cheese
Throw in oven at 425 degrees until cheese is melted
Remove from oven and top with chopped lettuce and crunched up taco shells

You can add anything to the top of the pizza that you would normally eat on a taco (peppers, tomatoes, olives, etc.) but, I live with a picky eater, so our toppings were restricted. We did add a bit of salsa and sour cream to each slice, and THAT really topped it off and pulled the whole thing together. Andy said it was the best pizza he had ever had! We'll definitely make it again.

I also have a new passion for frugal living and am particularly interested in eating well on a (tight) budget. So, as I post recipes, I'm going to include price breakdowns. For this one, I'm estimating prices but will be more exact in the future.

Ground turkey - $3.00
Taco seasoning - $0.85
Lettuce (from the Farmer's Market...delicious!) - $2.00 for the bunch. We used approximately 1/4 of the bunch, so $0.50
Cheese - $2.00
Pizza crust - $3.00 for a package of two crusts, so $1.50 for this pizza
Taco shells - $0.88
Sour cream and salsa - already had in the fridge (free for this recipe!)

Total: $8.73. However, the pizza provided three meals (me and Andy for dinner, and then Andy for lunch that week). That's a total of $2.91 per meal! Bet you can't get that delicious meal at a pizza place for less than $3.00.

Friday, May 14, 2010

A new home and a new degree!

Andy graduated last Saturday! We had both sides of the family up for the occasion and it was a fabulous weekend! I was so proud of Andy and he even enjoyed himself a bit too! On Saturday evening we had a graduation party and got to celebrate with lots of friends and family.

Monday officially started summer and I couldn't be happier. Though this year in residence life has been satisfying, the pace is so intense that summer vacation really is needed for a recharge. As of right now, Andy and I don't have any plans to travel, but we'll see what develops :-).

Andy is still enjoying his job at Sofa Mart, and continues to do really well. It's so rewarding to see him in a position that he loves.

This week we also moved into our new apartment, which we lovingly refer to as our "summer cottage". Our building is under construction this summer, so we've moved across campus into a cozy apartment across from our friends. Given that last night we played hours of Super Mario Brothers together, I think the new home is going to work just fine ;-:

Here's to enjoying summer and being patient about the future!

"Not only so, but we also rejoice in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces perseverance; perseverance, character; and character, hope. And hope does not disappoint us, because God has poured out his love into our hearts by the Holy Spirit, whom He has given us." Romans 5:3

Thursday, April 15, 2010

It's a Dog Eats Cone World, People

I know that Spike loves living on campus. Sure, he loves the attention he gets from residents walking by our apartment as we're heading outside. He loves the big yard right outside our apartment. He loves his walks on campus. But, I'm starting to think that, the thing Spike loves the MOST cream cones. I cannot tell you how many ice cream cones that dog has consumed in the last 3 years. This week alone I think he's had at least three. Because our dining center is so fantastic, a large selection of ice cream flavors exist, and can easily be carried out of the center on top of an ice cream cone. However, what I've discovered is, the student changes his mind quickly; first he wanted the cone, now, he's done with it. He's so done with it, in fact, that he can't walk it to a trash can. Instead, he tosses it in the yard, to be consumed by Spike at his earliest convenience (e.g. when mom or dad takes him outside).

Dear Lord, thank you for the little things in life. Amen.

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Easter 2010

Easter 2010 was great! We began the weekend with our friend, Amanda, who hosted a Seder Dinner. We learned all kinds of wonderful things and had a fantastic time sharing a passover meal. For anyone who cares, Amanda makes the best pot roast in town! On Sunday, we went to a beautiful Easter Service and then came home for a feast! I cooked enough for a small army and we invited the RAs who stayed for the weekend down for dinner. It was a great time with friends and food.

Last week, Andy and I went to pick up his graduation cap and gown and we also ordered his graduation cake! It's so amazing that graduation is coming this quickly. For those interested, Andy will graduate on May 8 at 2:30 p.m. I hope to be able to record the graduation, and then figure out how to upload the video to our blog, for those who couldn't travel up! I can tell that Andy is getting REALLY excited, so I am of course getting excited too!

Work continues to be busy for the both of us! The semester is quickly winding down for me, with only four more weeks left before closing. Andy is working quite a bit at Sofa Mart but is really enjoying his work. It's so wonderful to have him come home anxious to tell me stories about his day. Thank you Lord, for our blessings!

If I can figure out how to get videos uploaded, I'll post our Easter Egg hunt!

"It is because of the Lord's mercy and loving-kindness that we are not consumed, because His tender compassions fail not. They are new every morning; great and abundant is Your stability and faithfulness." Lamentations 3:22-23

Saturday, March 20, 2010

I think Netflix may have accidentally changed my life this weekend...

After months of being Netflix-free, we reinstated our subscription. Since I've discovered that a movie theatre will allow you to walk in just for the concessions' popcorn, we're watching more movies at home. Plus, we can watch movies "instantly" on Andy's PS3, instead of waiting for discs to come in the mail. Anyhow, yesterday, on my day off for Spring Break, I watched The Business of Being Born and Food, Inc. As if that weren't enough, this morning I couldn't help watching No Impact Man, which chronicles Colin Beavan and his family as they embark on a year long journey to reduce their environmental impact to zero. Once it was finished, I ran to the computer and checked out Colin Beavan's blog. While Andy wasn't able to watch The Business of Being Born with me, he did catch most of Food, Inc. For the rest of the evening we were chatting, debating, planning, thinking. It was a lovely way to spend a Friday evening!

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Spring 2010

What we've been up to so far in 2010...
Spike loves our friends' baby, Noah!
Andy's new tattoo.
The helmet I painted on Andy's head for the Super Bowl.
Homemade corn dogs.

Friday, February 19, 2010

A new job for Andy!

Praise the Lord, Andy has a new job! After three interviews in three days, Andy starts work at Sofa Mart on March 1! It's a true blessing; he's getting out of the fast food industry, away from unethical co-workers, and out of 5p-1a shifts! I'm really proud of him and think this could be the start to a career path! There are stores all over the country and he will be training as a, most of the Sofa Mart stores are in college towns, or close, anyway, so there is a lot of potential for us! I know this work environment will be less stressful and more rewarding. And, to top it off, it's a Christian Company! Thank God for His faithfulness!!

January and February have been busy. In the last several weeks, RA Conference happened, then RA interviews and Selection, along with UMR-ACUHO winter meetings...and this week I'll be traveling to Oshkosh, WI to recruit full time professionals at OPE. Needless to say, I'm ready for the pace at work to SLOW DOWN.

Other than that, things are going well! I'm currently planning Andy's graduation party, as he will have his big day on May 8. Family will be coming up for the celebration, so I want to make it extra special for him. We'll also be moving that weekend, as my building is getting a sprinkler system this summer, so we aren't able to live in the apartment. Plans for now are to be in another apartment on the other side of campus.

The snow continues to fall in C.F. The winters seem longer each year. I'm definitely ready for green grass and warmer temperatures.

All for now,
Ashleigh and Andy

Monday, January 18, 2010

Praise You In This Storm...

And I'll praise you in this storm
and I will lift my hands
for You are who You are
no matter where I am
and every tear I've cried
You hold in your hand
You never left my side
and though my heart is torn
I will praise You in this storm

I lift my eyes onto the hills
where does my help come from?
My help comes from the Lord, the maker of heaven and earth
I lift my eyes onto the hills
where does my help come from?
My help comes from the Lord, the maker of heaven and earth

It's been an interesting week. I caught a cold at the beginning of the week and felt awful for a couple of days. Now it seems to be in my chest, which is causing discomfort. Andy's at his breaking point with his job. On Saturday he only had one other person in the store from 7p-12a. He's unbelievably frustrated and dreads going to work. Work for me is insanely busy and a large conference I'm helping to plan is happening in two weeks, thus causing a great amount of anxiety. Honestly, it hasn't been a wonderful week. A part of me feels guilty for saying that I've had a bad week, considering Haiti's earthquake and a fellow church member's recent diagnosis of cancer.

In all of this, the words to Casting Crowns keeps ringing in my head, "I will praise you in this storm". When things go beautifully, I will praise God. And when things go terribly, I will praise God. It's an important reminder of His sovereignty and a lesson in patient endurance.

Pastor Dan delivered a wonderful sermon on Sunday that really spoke to my heart. He spoke on the parable of the gracious employer, in Matthew, chapter 20, verses 1-16.

“For the Kingdom of Heaven is like the landowner who went out early one morning to hire workers for his vineyard. 2 He agreed to pay the normal daily wage and sent them out to work.

3 “At nine o’clock in the morning he was passing through the marketplace and saw some people standing around doing nothing. 4 So he hired them, telling them he would pay them whatever was right at the end of the day. 5 So they went to work in the vineyard. At noon and again at three o’clock he did the same thing.

6 “At five o’clock that afternoon he was in town again and saw some more people standing around. He asked them, ‘Why haven’t you been working today?’

7 “They replied, ‘Because no one hired us.’

“The landowner told them, ‘Then go out and join the others in my vineyard.’

8 “That evening he told the foreman to call the workers in and pay them, beginning with the last workers first. 9 When those hired at five o’clock were paid, each received a full day’s wage. 10 When those hired first came to get their pay, they assumed they would receive more. But they, too, were paid a day’s wage. 11 When they received their pay, they protested to the owner, 12 ‘Those people worked only one hour, and yet you’ve paid them just as much as you paid us who worked all day in the scorching heat.’

13 “He answered one of them, ‘Friend, I haven’t been unfair! Didn’t you agree to work all day for the usual wage? 14 Take your money and go. I wanted to pay this last worker the same as you. 15 Is it against the law for me to do what I want with my money? Should you be jealous because I am kind to others?’

16 “So those who are last now will be first then, and those who are first will be last.”

I've read this parable before and have had the same reaction as the early workers - why aren't they paid more? They did more work; they were in the fields longer. But as PD went through the passage, I was struck by verse 15 "should you be jealous because I am kind to others?". It was so wonderful to see salvation in this passage and God's immeasurable grace and mercy. It was an important lesson for me to remember to shut up and serve and not worry about my "payment". What I have received is so priceless, I don't deserve it. And yet, it's been given to me, because of Jesus. As Andy and I drove home from church, our conversation proved that the sermon had done its work in us. We both had the light bulb go off at the same time; we both got to see that our attitudes about work had been wrong. Instead of working to get something, we should serve because we love our Father, just as Jesus served because he loved His Father. It certainly is good to be reminded that humility is important.

In other news, the weather has been warmer, which is doing the most beautiful thing to the trees around here. Ice develops and then snow blows around and it makes the most beautiful landscape. This morning, I took a few minutes to snap some pictures.

Thursday, January 7, 2010

2009 Leaves and 2010 Begins!

Well, I can't believe it's literally been months since we updated our blog. The semesters continue to get quicker and quicker! As for a quick update on the end of the fall semester, my mom and stepdad visited us for Thanksgiving. We had a wonderful time, ate a ton of delicious food, and got to show family around town. Their visit was short, but very appreciated. Then, for winter break we headed to Andy's family first and had a wonderful trip spending time with family and friends. It was so good to have a full week there! After that we headed to my family's for a week for yet more visiting and relaxing before heading back to up here. We were proud to finally get the "vacation" part down for this trip and really did spend a lot of time relaxing, catching up, taking it easy, etc. We couldn't have asked for a better winter break! And, to top off the vacation, as soon as we got home, we received our new living room furniture!

We're both looking forward to the promises of 2010! Our only resolution together is to eat out only for celebrations (graduation; birthdays). As we continue learning self-discipline and good stewardship, we want to make sure we're intentional about how we use the provisions God has provided! My own resolution is to just take the pressure off and enjoy the moments more. I'm so thankful for all that God has given me; this year, I want to spend more time appreciating all my blessings and less time worrying about things I cannot control; things I don't have...I want to be more gracious and thankful.

Andy is set to graduate this May, having only 6 credit hours to complete this semester. That reality finally set in as we were driving back up here, when he would occasionally announce to me and Spike that he "only had six hours to graduate". Fortunately, we never got tired of sharing in Andy's excitement! I'm so proud of him and can't want to see him walk across the stage in May!

As we look back at 2009 we can't forget some of the struggles we faced, both individually and with our families. However, despite the hard times, one thing is certain; our faith in God has grown exponentially this year. We're so thankful for His grace and mercy; that He would draw us near we need it the most.

Dear Lord, thank you for our innumerable blessings. Enable us to keep you at the forefront of our thoughts, decisions, discussions, and actions. Let everything we say and everything we do bring glory to You.